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Stepping outside my apartment, the morning chill brushed against my face, and the delicate winds hissed past my ears.

Gazing ahead, the dense fog enveloped the air, creating a hazy scenery as I began my walk to Detective Johnson's office at the Irvine Police Department.

My car remained in the possession of the Irvine Police Department's Forensic team. They couldn't return it until completing their investigation, leaving me to endure the early chill on foot. Nevertheless, I was snugly wrapped in my winter coat, which provided the warmth I needed. Pulling the hood over my head as the morning wind picked up, I pressed on. Though the thick fog obscured my vision, I relied on the familiar landmarks nearby—the towering trees and dated buildings guided my way.

I took brief pauses to scan the area around me, ensuring my safety and confirming there weren't any unfamiliar figures lurking about. Peering up at the trees, I observed birds perched on the branches, humming a soft harmony. A gentle wind tickled my nose, causing me to shiver.

I was eager to learn what the Irvine Police had uncovered and if the Crimson Lake Killer was the one responsible for the sadistic act. I mean, who else could it be?

The encounter I had with Patricia yesterday popped up in my head. I was queasy at the recollection of the promise I made to her to appear on one of the episodes of the Crime Ladies Podcast at South Lake during the midnight hours.

What was I thinking to make such a promise?!

The thought of it sent shivers down my spine. South Lake was the notorious dumping ground of the Crimson Lake Killer.

I had no other choice but to build up the courage to go through with it. I couldn't back out now and risk disappointing Monique. That's the last thing I wanted to do. I held so much admiration for the hosts of the Crime Ladies Podcast.

As I gazed ahead, I spotted a bicyclist slowly maneuvering his bike through the fog. Gradually, the fog began to dissipate, and the dated gray building came into view.  I walked across the uneven pavement and through the station parking lot when I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind me, gradually drawing nearer. My heart raced as fear coursed through my veins.

Just as I was about to run, I found myself unable to move. I was frozen as someone firmly gripped the sides of my waist, holding me back. Glancing down, I noticed a pair of leather-gloved hands holding me, pulling me closer to their body as they attempted to lift me off the ground.

My heart stopped, and my eyes widened in terror. Instinctively, I grasped at the leather-gloved hands, desperately trying to free myself while letting out a blood-curdling scream.


Struggling against the strange man, his muscular chest pressed against my back as he lifted me, causing my feet to kick in the air. Overwhelmed, my body went limp in his grasp.

Abruptly, he slapped his gloved hand over my mouth, silencing my scream. Without hesitation, I aimed a swift kick at him, landing a swift blow to his groin.

He groaned out in pain, releasing his grip on me. Gasping for breath, I sprinted into the station, running faster than ever.

Huffing and puffing, I rested my hands on my knees, attempting to regain my composure. As I looked up, Detective Johnson greeted me with a smile.

"Hi, Kayla," His smile quickly faded as his eyes met mine. His brows knitted together in worry as concern etched across his face. "You seem shaken. Everything okay?"

I shook my head vehemently. "No," I stated firmly, my index finger trembling as I pointed toward the glass doors. "A man grabbed me... tried to take me away," I managed to explain between deep labored breaths.

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