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New chapter ahead!

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"He once loved her to the moon, now he hates her with the intensity of a thousand suns."

I walked to the nearby park and sat down on a bench tired

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I walked to the nearby park and sat down on a bench tired. Since Afternoon I am roaming around the city searching for a job, now its evening and I couldnt find a single one. My landlord is surely going to kick me out today, then where will I stay afterwards?

I was thinking of what to do when I heard some parents nearby talking while there kids were playing and running around the park. My heart squeezed seeing the cute faces of the kids and I felt so much pain inside me, Maybe I was not that fortunate. I closed my eyes not to think of that incident again and again but tears flowed freely, I am alone to face this pain and I am the sole reason. Suddenly their words caught my attention, Ekansh has came back! He is here! I smiled with happiness. I know he wouldnt stay angry for long, he would come back. I will go and beg for forgiveness from him... I will do anything to gain his love back. Yes! He will forgive me, he will.

I had enough money to reach the mansion. I don't know if I will be allowed there or not, but I will not stop trying.. I Need him back. I know he might hate me but my love will overcome it.

I booked a cab and reached the mansion. My heart was beating fast thinking of what would happen there. How would he react seeing me?

It was already dark when I reached the mansion.

As I stood at the gate of the once-familiar mansion, my heart weighed heavy with the burden of my actions.

I longed to turn back time, to erase the choices that led me down this path of desolation and despair.

My trembling fingers reached out to touch the wrought iron gate, its cold bars a cruel reminder of the barriers that separated me from the life I once knew.
I was no longer the cherished Laxmi of this house; I had become a black shadow who ruined the peace of this house.

Every moment I spent here were running infront of my eyes stabbing me.

The guard saw me and questioned who I am, I think he is a new staff here. I gulped nervously not knowing what to say, "hm.. I want to.. meet Ansh, I mean Ekansh Rajvanshi." I said.

He looked at me shocked at first and then called someone. I stood there with fear as I know no one is going to allow me inside the mansion.

He came back and said. "Sorry madam, but You are not allowed. Please Go from here."

I pleaded. "Please.. let me in, I really need to meet him. Please!"

"We dont have permission to let you in, Please go and dont waste our time!" He said a bit rudely this time.

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