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Hey! I am back with new chapter!

Read and enjoy!


"Confronting hate head-on builds bridges, not walls."

Author's POV

Maya's steps stopped and She turned to see who was it.

Her mind went blank seeing the person standing there talking with Ekansh. Afraid of going infront of him, She ran back hoping she will not catch his eyes.

He will.. he will not spare me, not after the thing I did with him. She thought.

Ekansh was shocked... very surprised to see Adithya, his cousin brother at his place. His most trusted person whom he nearly lost for his stupidity and blindness.

Ekansh hugged him as soon as he entered himself showing the happiness he felt by his arrival. "So? You decided to show your face now!" Ekansh shouted at him faking anger.

"Abe! Mujhe mat bol... You were the who had ran away. Now you are questioning me!" Adithya said.

(Don't tell me..)

Ekansh sighed running his hand in his hair.

"Now you can't run away anymore!" Adithya warned him.

"We will talk about that.. Now come inside and sit." Ekansh tried to change the topic and held his arm pulling him to sit.

Adithya pulled his arm back.

"Fucker! don't give me any reasons! You are shifting back to home in two days." He declared.

"You can't force me!" Ekansh groaned in annoyance seeing his adamant tone.

"I can my dear brother! Want to see?" Adithya smirked and walked to the couch and sat crossing his legs.

Maya fisted her shivering hands and stood behind the pillar near kitchen hiding from everyone's eyes. She knew his nature, he will surely throw her out in an instant, unlike Ekansh who showed a bit of mercy on her.

Her breathing turned heavy recalling the past moments they had spent together.

Shame on her for backstabbing the person who saw her like a sister.

Maya cursed herself continuously and cautiously walked towards the laundary room without falling to thier eyes and exchanged her work with other maid.

Maya cursed herself continuously and cautiously walked towards the laundary room without falling to thier eyes and exchanged her work with other maid

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"Adi!" Aarohi screamed in exictement seeing Adithya and ran down the stairs. Adithya stood up and spread his arms for her who immediately jumped into his arms screaming with his happiness while he twirled her.

''My lovely Ruhi!!!" Adithya squealed putting her down and squeezed her cheeks making her crunch her face annoyed.

"Ahhhh don't do that!" She hit his bicep rubbing her cheeks.

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