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Hey lovelies!

Please ignore the mistakes.


Maya's POV

I kept looking at the phone screen thinking why he was calling me. Maybe to tell me that he reached. Yes, that's it. There's no way he could find out why I am here.

By the time I received it the call got cut. I unlocked my phone to call back but he was already calling me. I received it only to hear his worried voice. "Maya, are you ok?"

He asked sounding hell worried. Why?

"Yes, Ansh... I am totally fine. What happened?"

"No, nothing happened. You're at home right? You're fine?"

I frowned.

"Ansh! I am totally fine and alright. Do not worry. What's happening?"
I asked calmly.

I heard him exhale and he said.

"It's just I was feeling strange and soemthing.. I don't know what it is. I just wanted to hear your voice." His voice was trembling slightly making me realize his state. What happened to him?

"Are you not well? You fell sic-" I asked in a worried tone but he stopped me.

"Love, nothing happened to me. I am really fine! But... leave me, I am fine now as I heard you." He assured me.

I smiled and played with my finger still holding the phone against my ear. Was I doing wrong with him? Isn't it his right to know that I am carrying his child inside me?

"Why are you not speaking?"

I gulped down.

"Hm.. I.. I thought will say something. Where are you now? How was the journey?"

"It was good-'' before he could complete I heard someone speaking in the background.

"I need to go. I will call you later."

I hummed in response.

"I love you."

He said and waited for my response.

"I Love you too Ansh... Very much." I smiled hearing him chuckle before he cut off the call.

Some minutes later the nurse came to call me. I lastly looked at his photo on my screen and went with the nurse.

 I lastly looked at his photo on my screen and went with the nurse

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I opened my heavy eyes blinking them. My body was slightly aching especially on the lower abdomen. I looked at my hand to see the IV attached to it.

The surgery was done. I am no longer pregnant. I sighed and ran my hand on my face.

Finally it was done. I should be more cautious to not to get pregnant again.

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