Chapter 1

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I always wanted to do a what if Lucerys had been a girl story. Keep in mind that in this story Rhaenyra's children were born in the same year as in the books, which means Aegon, Aemond, Helaena and Daeron were born in the same year as the books too.

Rhaenyra had not taken her eyes away from the midwife who had been tending to her daughter. She had been cleaned up and the sheets on her bed had been changed, during all that time she had not taken her eyes away from the woman. She was afraid that the small babe would disappear if she looked away. Finally, the midwife seemed to take pity on her and walked to the bed, handing Rhaenyra the small babe. She would never get tired of looking at her daughter, so tiny and perfect. Most women wished for a son, but Rhaenyra could not imagine someone more perfect than her daughter. She already had a son, so a daughter was more than acceptable to her.

"Let us see her." Her father walked into the chambers, followed by Laenor, Alicent, Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond. The king was not able to hide his happiness. "I was told it was a girl."

"Yes, a beautiful princess for our house." Rhaenyra turned the babe, who slept peacefully on her chest, to show her to her father. "She is a bit tired from her ordeal."

"Yes," The king chuckled while running a finger over the babe's cheek. "I can see that."

"She does not look very Valyrian." Rhaenyra glared at Alicent, wishing the woman would trip and fall down a flight of stairs. "You will have to try harder next time, Ser Laenor."

"She looks exactly as Rhaenyra did when she was born." The king said, his eyes not moving away from the babe. "Except for the hair of course."

Rhaenyra could not find any fault with her daughter, the small girl was absolutely perfect. She did not need silver hair for people to see she was a Targaryen. Her daughter would do great things, she would make sure of that.

"Have you chosen a name?" Alicent asked in a bored tone.

"Darya" Rhaenyra answered before Laenor could say anything. For some reason, her husband wished to name her children after his dead lover and Rhaenyra was not going to allow her daughter to be named after someone who was dead. "Her name is Darya."

"A wonderful Valyrian name for a beautiful Valyrian princess." The king exclaimed, enchanted by the small girl. "I have a gift for my first granddaughter."

The king gestured and two knights walked into her chambers, carrying a brazier. They took off the lid to reveal a pearlescent white egg with gold swirls close to the top and the middle. Rhaenyra could not help but smile as she looked at the dragon egg. "Thank you, Father."

She wished Jace was there to meet his sister, but was happy that he was not while Alicent was in the chambers. Her son was only a name day old and there were a lot of things he did not understand. She did not want him close to her stepmother if she could help it. The queen tried not to look as annoyed as she was as Viserys fawned all over the little girl, while Aegon was upset and kept screaming he was hungry until he had to be taken from her chambers by one of the maids. Helaena played quietly on the floor, talking to herself and ignoring everyone else.

Aemond appeared curious as he approached the bed, the five name day child gave her a shy smile, before attempting to look at the babe more closely. Rhaenyra lowered the small girl until she was leveled with her little brother. Aemond's fingers were soft as he touched the little girl's cheek and traced her brow. Darya squirmed in her arms before one of her tiny hands took hold of Aemond's finger and she opened her eyes. Her father was delighted when the babe's purple eyes locked with Aemond's blue ones.

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