Chapter 7

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Two family dinners. Darya receives unexpected news on the second one and is not happy about it. I hope you guys like it 🥰

Darya thanked her maid as the woman finished fixing her hair. They were supposed to have supper with the king that night. Her grandsire wanted their family to spend more together and Darya had the suspicion that it would not end without someone offending someone else. Her mother, stepfather, brothers, and cousins would be dressed in black, while the queen and her family would be wearing green. The lines had been drawn so long ago that she had never known anything different. She did not feel like picking a side tonight or getting into another fight to please her parents. She was tired, which was amusing because she was only five and ten. She should be worrying about falling in love, flying her dragon, attending feasts, and finding a good man to marry. Instead, she spent most of her time worrying about where the next attack would come from. Sometimes she wished she could fly away and forget all about being a princess and what her responsibilities were supposed to be. Even while she thought about it a lot she knew she could not abandon her family, that did not mean she would play their game. Which is why she had started with her wardrobe tonight, she would not be wearing black or green tonight. Instead, she had picked a pink and gold sleeveless gown.

She was happy about her decision and was hoping her mother would not lecture her about it. She made her way to the king's chambers, not missing the glare Criston Cole shot her way before opening the door for her. She was not sure why the man hated her mother so much, but she was sure that at one point in time, Cole had been in love with her mother. She entered the chambers and curtsied to the king and queen.

"Your graces," Everyone was already seated and one one chair was left empty, it was the one between Aemond and her brother Viserys. She took her seat and smiled at her little brother. "You look very handsome, little brother."

"Thank you, sister." The six name day old puffed up his chest and smiled at her. "I like your gown."

She loved her brothers, even when her relationship with Jace had been a bit strained since what happened with Aemond. Her little brothers were a whole different story, they were still innocent and sweet. The food was served as people talked to each other, the queen only spoke to her sons and tried to talk to her daughter, but Helaena was in her own little world. She ate slowly while making sure that Viserys ate as well, her youngest brother was a very picky eater.

Jace got her attention and started talking to her as she continued to eat. Baela and Rhaena got involved in the conversation. A few minutes into the conversation she could feel eyes on the side of her head and looked to the side where her uncle Aemond was sitting. He just gave her an amused look and raised an eyebrow. Darya was confused for a moment, not sure what was happening, until she realized she had been taking food from his plate.

"I am so sorry." She flushed and gave her uncle an apologetic look. "I did not realize I was eating your food. Why did you not say anything before?"

"I wanted to see how long it would take you to realize what you were doing." He still looked amused.

"I apologize." She was thankful that the others were distracted and had not noticed what she had been doing.

"Do not worry about it." She was not sure why he was being nice but decided not to question it. Aemond's mood would change from time to time. "I like your gown."

She was startled by the compliment and for a moment she was sure she had heard him wrong. "What?"

"I like your gown." His gaze was hot as it ran up and down her body. "You look stunning."

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