Chapter 4

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Aemond talks to Helaena. Rhaenyra, Daemon and her children arrive in Kings Landing. Aemond and Darya see each other again. I hope you guys like it 🥰

High Valyrian will be in Italics!

"You should not have to put up with it." Aemond hated Aegon sometimes, especially during moments like this where he had to console his sister after their brother had hurt her. "You should talk to our mother."

"She knows." Helaena's words made him tense and in that moment he hated his mother too. Should she not be protecting her only daughter? Helaena gave him a sad smile. "Everyone knows Aemond. Aegon's proclivities had never been a secret and our mother has no interest in stopping what happens behind closed doors, as long as Aegon acts like an acceptable husband in public."

He would beat Aegon to a bloody pulp as soon as he saw him again. His brother would learn to respect their sister or he would kill him. He could not believe how his mother and grandsire behaved towards Aegon, even after all the horrible things his brother had done.

He finished cleaning the blood off Helaena's lip before throwing the cloth aside. "There must be a way to end this."

"There might be." Helaena got that far-away look in her eyes, it almost felt like she had someplace else. Aemond knew their conversation was over and moved to the doors, he wanted to speak to their mother about what was happening. He was almost at the doors when Helaena's hand wrapped around his arm and made him stop. His sister's eyes were wild as she looked at him. "Your destiny is coming Aemond. Do not fight destiny or there will be rivers of blood."

Helaena's words and the tone in her voice made chills run down his spine and he shuddered. As soon as it had started it ended and Helaena blinked, looking surprised that she was holding him. Aemond shook his head and walked out of his sister's chambers, not sure what her strange behavior was. Helaena had always spent more time inside her head than talking to people, but lately, her words seemed more ominous.

"Aemond!" His mother's voice made him stop and turn to look at her. Her loyal watchdog walked behind her like always. "I have been looking for you."

"I was with Helaena." He knew her mother was aware of what Aegon had done, but he wanted to know if she was going to do something about it. "Aegon hit her. Her lip was bleeding."

"I know." His mother let out a tired sigh. "I sent him to his chambers, he will stay until tomorrow and think about what he has done."

"Is that all? He hits his wife, your only daughter and your solution is to send him to his chambers like a child who misbehaved?" He could not believe his mother's stupidity. She glared at him but did not say anything, which just made him angrier. "You should throw him in the black cells, or have the Kingsguard give him a beating, maybe even stab him a little."

"Do not ever say that again." His mother's hand wrapped around his wrist and her nails dug into his skin. "He is your brother and the heir."

"I believe our father has made it pretty clear that Rhaenyra is the heir." Not that he was any happier about it, but even as much as he hated Rhaenyra he had to admit that she would be a much better ruler than Aegon. "I think if my brother ever sits on the throne we will all be doomed."

"Enough!" His mother's glare became harsher. "We do not have time for this, we have more important things to worry about."

"More important than your own daughter's well-being?" He pulled his arm out of his mother's hold. "Then, by all means, tell me what is so important that cannot wait."

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