Chapter 19

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Darya talks to Rhaenyra to convince her to leave her chambers. Aemond sets up an unexpected meeting. I hope you guys like it 🥰

1 month later.

Her name day had come and gone without anyone noticing, not even her. Her mother was still spending most of her time locked in her chambers, she would only see Aegon and Viserys. Darya felt bad for her mother, she had been devastated by Jace's death so she could not imagine the pain her mother was feeling. In a perfect world, her mother would have been able to take as much time as she needed to grieve, but they did not live in a perfect world. The world they lived in was at war and the only thing that was stopping the greens from attacking them was the fact that Darya had crippled them and the blockade her grandsire had put in place had weakened them even more. Darya knew her uncles and Alicent were growing desperate and desperate people did desperate things.

She made her way to her mother's chambers and stopped when Erryk Cargyll stepped in her way. Darya raised an eyebrow at the man who just gave her an apologetic look.

"I am sorry, princess." The man looked like he was torn. "The queen does not wish to see anyone."

"I do not care, Ser Erryk." Her voice was firm and she did not miss the way the guard winced. "I will speak to my mother. Now step aside."

The poor knight looked like he was close to having an attack, he did not know what to do. She felt bad for him, but not bad enough to stop. She would see her mother one way or another. Finally, the knight seemed to realize she would not give up and stepped aside. Darya gave him a nod before pushing open the doors and entering her mother's chambers. She closed the doors behind her and made her way to the bed where her mother was lying. Rhaenyra did not even lift her head and her face was streaked with tears.

"Mother," She knew her mother had heard her, but the woman did not move, did not even acknowledge her. "I need you to talk to me. You cannot continue like this any longer."

"Please leave." Her mother's voice was hoarse like she had been screaming for hours. "I do not wish to see anyone."

Darya narrowed her eyes. "I do not care what you wish to do. You are the fucking queen of the seven kingdoms, so I need you to get out of that bed and pull yourself together. People are counting on you, your children are counting on you."

"I can't" Tears ran down her mother's face. "I need time to grieve."

"You've had a moon to grieve, now it is time to do your job." She moved closer to the bed and threw the covers aside. "You are the queen, and while I feel your pain, you cannot stay locked in your chambers forever. There are many people counting on you."

"I can't!" Her mother sat up, her eyes were a bit wild. "I can barely function most days. How do you expect me to stand in front of all my supporters? I do not know what to say."

"You will do your duty because that is what you are supposed to do." Darya sat on the bed near her mother and squeezed one of her hands. "You once told me that you gave up your happiness for your duty, that you let the love of your life walk away because it was the right thing to do. I need you to do the same once more. You are hurting and there is no way any of us can take that pain away, but we need you to push it aside and concentrate on winning this war and getting your crown. Once you are on the throne then you can take as much time as you need to grieve."

Her mother sniffled and wiped away her tears. "I do not know what to do."

"Just attend the council meetings." Darya pleaded. "I do not think Daemon is the best person to be leading the kingdom right now, especially not with how angry he is at everything that has happened. I know he is the king, but..."

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