Chapter 31

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2 month time jump. We see how things are progressing with our people in Westeros, a bit of peace before things go wrong. I hope you guys like it 🥰

2 months later.

"Jaehaera," Helaena's voice was annoyed, which made Darya smile. She just sat there and allowed Jaehaera to press her ear against her swollen belly with a curious look on her face. "Leave your aunt alone."

People were always confused when Helaena referred to Darya as her children's aunt. Darya was their cousin by blood and their aunt by marriage, her family line could be very confusing.

Darya looked at her aunt and chuckled. "It does not bother me."

"Are you sure there is a babe in there?" Jaehaera gave her a suspicious look. "I do not feel anything."

"Of course, there is a babe in her belly," Helaena told her daughter while shaking her head. "If there was not a babe then why would her belly be so big?

Jaehaera shrugged before turning to look at her mother. "Maybe she ate a lot."

Helaena looked horrified and Darya burst out laughing, enchanted by the girl's innocence. Jaehaera was a very inquisitive child, she always wanted to know the answer to everything and know how things worked. Darya loved to watch the way her mind worked and how smart she was. Rhaenyra had realized very quickly that Jaehaera had learned everything the septa wanted to teach her and had sent for instructors from across the narrow sea. It was clear that the girl got bored easily when her mind was not engaged. Even with how smart she was, her niece was also very innocent and adorable, everyone loved her.

"That does bring another question." Helaena's voice caught Darya's attention and she looked at her aunt. "Are you still having trouble eating?"

"No," She ran a hand over her swollen belly, happy that she was not getting sick every time she ate. "I have not vomited in a while and I am able to eat without any problems."

Helaena gave her a relieved smile. "I am glad, I was sure Aemond would pull out all his hair."

Darya could not help but smile, her husband had been her biggest help these past few moons. He had held her hair when she was sick and ran a wet cloth over her face, he would accompany her on walks and had talked to the cooks to make sure they were cooking her favorite foods. There had been days where Darya had no appetite and her poor husband had done everything in his power to help her eat. He had also been dealing with her mood swings, she would never forget the day she had burst into tears and sent Aemond into a panic. The poor man had almost jumped off the balcony. Even if Aemond had not loved her she knew that he would love their child. Her husband loved touching her belly and sometimes at night when he thought she was asleep she would catch him talking to her stomach, it always made her smile.

"He is doing much better now." She smiled at her aunt. "I am finally able to control my emotions a bit better and I am eating, which has helped improve his mood."

Things had settled in the past two moons, not only in her marriage, but the kingdom as well. Her mother had put several new laws in place, some traitors had been executed and their children had taken over. Her mother had made it clear from the beginning that she would not make children pay for their parent's mistakes. If the children were not involved and had no participation in the acts of treason they would not be punished. Which was how Jason Lannister's son Damon was the new lord of Casterly Rock. Borros Baratheon had not been killed since he had not actively participated in the war. Instead of being executed he had been stripped of his titles and land and was exiled, with the knowledge that he would be executed should he ever return. His son, who was an infant was the new lord of Storms End, his mother was his regent until the boy came of age.

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