Chapter 28

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Darya says goodbye to Cregan Stark. Daemon is Daemon, that's its own warning. I hope you guys like it 🥰

4 days later.

As of now, her marriage was a bit strange and not what she had expected at all. Aemond and her had been married for a few days and they did not spend a lot of time together. Aemond had been giving her space and allowing her to spend her time as she pleased. The only thing he had insisted on was that they shared chambers and a bed. He had not touched her, but he refused to spend the nights away from her. Darya did not mind, for some reason, she did not like to think about, but she enjoyed sleeping beside Aemond. He was warm and she would wake up every morning laying almost on top of him. He had not made any comments on it and neither had she, but she had felt his arousal. She wanted him, but her mind kept making her pull away from him.

"Princess," Darya stopped walking and turned, smiling at the Northern lord. "It is a pleasure to see you."

"Likewise, Lord Stark." The Northern lord was very handsome and noble, Darya had seen the way the ladies at court looked at him. "I heard you are leaving tomorrow."

"Yes," The man stepped beside her and walked slowly. "It is time to return home. I have been away long enough."

"I wanted to thank you for everything you have done." She knew the man was one of the few loyal ones to her mother. "My mother told me that you had been on your way to Jace when you heard about what happened to him. I am glad you were able to attend my wedding."

"Yes," The man's tone changed and he gave her a questioning look. "I was surprised that you chose to marry Aemond."

"I am sure several people were surprised by our marriage." The Northern lord had not been in favor of the wedding and he had not made a secret of it. "Aemond was the best choice."

Cregan Stark looked at her for a moment, his face completely blank. "Was he?"

For some reason, she did not like what Cregan was implying. Aemond might have done horrible things, but it was not Cregan Stark's place to judge him. Darya did not like the idea of the lord speaking badly of her husband.

"My husband is a Targaryen prince and dragon rider." While she was not being rude, her voice was firm. "There was no one better suited for me."

The lord opened his mouth, but footsteps echoed as she and the northern lord turned to look at her husband who was walking towards them. Aemond did not look happy to see them together, but his anger was not directed at her. He stopped near her and placed his hand on the small of her back.

"Lord Stark." Aemond's voice was annoyed as he stared at the other man. "I did not know you would be here."

"Yes," Stark's smile was wolfish. "I was saying goodbye to Princess Darya."

"I was told you would be leaving tomorrow." Aemond's voice changed, becoming a bit happier. "It is about time."

"Aemond!" Darya gave her husband an annoyed look. She did not think her mother would be too happy if they went around offending loyal lords. "I think is best if we leave."

Darya nodded at Cregan and pulled Aemond away before he could offend the Warden in the North and start a whole new war. Once they were far enough she let go of his hand and stopped walking.

"Have you lost your mind?" She glared at him. "Why would you say something like that to him? Cregan Stark is an important lord, and deserves our respect."

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