Chapter 17

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This is a continuation of last chapter. I'm sorry because I know a lot of you won't like what happens in this chapter, but it was necessary for the story. Darya goes off the deep end. I hope you guys like it 🥰

She should have listened to her father, he had told her once that no good deed went unpunished. Even while knowing this would be her thanks for saving Helaena and her children she did not regret it. Thinking of an innocent hurt or dead was worse than the thought of her being whipped. They made it to the courtyard and she saw a wheelhouse waiting there.

"Everything has been settled in front of the great sept," Criston answered her silent question, the same sadistic smile on his face. The man was taking great pleasure in this. "The king wants everyone to see how you are punished."

"Well, never say I do not enjoy a good spectacle." Her smile angered Criston and threw him a bit off. "Tell me, Ser Criston. Will you be doing the honors or are you too honorable to hit a woman?"

The man took a step closer to her and glared hatefully. "Are you questioning my honor?"

"I cannot question what does not exist." Criston's body appeared to be made of stone. "I always wondered what made you turn away from my mother's service and work for the queen."

"The queen has always been a better woman."

"Really?" Darya's look became speculative. "Correct me if I am wrong, was it not my mother who made you a Kingsguard?"

Criston's eye twitched. "Yes."

"And your thanks for that was to betray her and ally yourself with her enemies." Criston's hand tightened around the hilt of his sword. "Makes me wonder what happened. Did you fall in love with her and she denied you?"

Darya's eyes widened when she saw the look in Criston's eyes, she knew she had guessed right. Apparently, the man had been in love with her mother and something must have happened because the man's love had turned into unadulterated hatred.

"We are not here to speak about me!" Criston's hold tightened around her arm and he pushed her towards the wheelhouse. "Now, you will get inside or I will throw you in."

Before Darya or Criston could say anything else there was a loud roar seconds before the alarm sounded. People started screaming and the guards appeared to get ready for battle. Darya was a bit taken aback, she had only heard one dragon and the sound was one she knew. She felt fear because she had not heard any other dragons, her mother and stepfather would never attack the city with only one dragon. Criston handed her to another guard as he ran to one of the guards and took his bow.

Darya was not sure what was happening, but her entire body grew cold when the familiar form of Vermax appeared, Jace on his back. Her brother was flying too low, and Darya opened her mouth to scream for him to leave, but a hand covered her mouth. She screamed and tried to get out of the man's hold when she saw Criston raise the bow. He pulled back the drawstring before letting the arrow fly. She screamed and trashed as the arrow embedded itself in the side of Jace's neck. At the same time, one of the guards on the wall threw a large spear, hitting Vermax in the belly. Another guard threw another large spear and hit one of Vermax's wings. She watched in horror as the dragon fell down quickly as more arrows and spears flew towards them.

Vermax fell inside the courtyard and the guards did not miss a second, trusting spear after spear into the small dragon, making sure he was dead. Vermax was not large or old enough for his scales to be strong enough to protect him. Darya continued to scream as Criston pulled Jace from the dragon's back and she could see her brother's eyes were opened and staring into nothingness. Her brother was dead, the front of his body was covered in blood and there were two other arrows sticking out of his front. Criston's face was a mask of glee as he pulled out his sword and swung it down, separating Jace's head from his body.

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