Chapter 8

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Darya and Aemond talk after their betrothal announcement. A short time jump, Rhaenys and Darya get some things off their chest. I hope you guys like it 🥰

She tossed and turned until she was ready to go out of her mind. She had locked herself in her chambers and refused to let anyone in, even her mother. She could not believe her grandsire wanted to force a wedding between her and Aemond, especially after everything that had taken place between them. Darya thought it was an incredibly cruel thing to do to her uncle and her. She could not imagine what Aemond must be thinking, his own father forcing him to wed the woman who had half-blinded him. She had expected her mother to scream or attempt to change the king's mind, but she had not done anything. Darya had never expected to marry for love, people in her position did not have that luxury. A few were lucky and the person they loved was the person their parents chose for them, but that was not her case.

She only had a few hours before having to leave for Dragonstone. In a few moons, she would have to return to Kings Landing and marry Aemond. She hated the idea of being tied to him for the rest of her life. She had liked Aemond, even when he could be hot-tempered and unforgiving, but then so were most of them. Aemond was also very handsome, so it would not be a chore to bed him. The only issue with that was his hatred for her, and while she did not blame him for it, she did not wish to spend the rest of her life being his whipping girl.

She finally gave up on sleep, she would be able to sleep on the ship, and that way she would not have to talk to her parents or her siblings. She did not bother with a robe, her pink nightgown was more than enough to guard her virtue and she would be using the secret passages. Most people were sleeping during that time, so she was not worried about running into another person. She made her way to the library, opening one of the secret doors that led to the hall closest to the library. She snuck her head out and looked around, making sure no servants or guards were walking around. She was able to enter the library without anyone seeing her and let out a relieved sigh. She could not imagine her mother's anger if he was caught walking around in her nightgown.

"I would not be so happy if I were you." She squealed and jumped at the sound of the voice, before turning around to face Aemond. He looked like he was trying very hard not to laugh. "I did not think to see you ever again. I thought you would be on your way to the Free Cities by now."

"What makes you think that?"

"You were very angry when my father betrothed us." He did not seem angry about it. "I was sure you had taken your dragon and flown away as fast as you could."

"I would not run away." He raised an eyebrow and she allowed a smile to show on her face. "Mostly because Arrax is back in Dragonstone."

Aemond just stared at her for a moment before barking out a laugh. He seemed amused by her and she was glad, she had just realized she was alone with him and there was no one to protect her.

He must have seen her trepidation because his expression became serious. "Will it be so awful?"

She gave him a confused look, not sure what he was asking. "What?"

"Would it be so bad if we were to marry?" He was not being sarcastic, he looked truly curious. "It is not like you will be allowed to marry whoever you choose. We both will have to marry for a political alliance, either each other or other people."

"I understand that." She was not sure how to explain it without offending him. "But you cannot wish to marry me."

He frowned. "Why not?"

"Aemond, you hate me. You have hated me since before I could walk and your hatred became even deeper when I took your eye." He opened his mouth, but she raised a hand to stop him, wanting to get everything out. "I know you have every reason to be angry and I do not blame you. I know I have said it before, but I am not sure if you ever read my letters, so I will say it again. I am so sorry, for everything that happened that night. I did not know what was happening when I followed my brother and cousins to that cave. I did not even know you had claimed Vhagar, but I never blamed you for it. She was free and a dragon cannot be inherited, I understood why you did it. I know how much you longed for a dragon."

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