Chapter 15

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Darya swallows her pride and asks Aemond for help. Aemond talks to Helaena. I hope you guys like it 🥰

2 days later.

She had not been able to sleep all night, she could not stop thinking about her conversation with Helaena. As soon as her aunt had told her about her vision she had known Daemon was the one planning it. Her stepfather often did things without thinking about them first, especially if he believed he was protecting their family. She wanted to hurt Aegon and his family, but not Helaena or her children, they were innocent and did not deserve to be used as pawns. She knew that even if her aunt said something to her family they would not believe her. No one had ever paid attention to the things Helaena had said.

One of the maids helped her bathe and dress, before helping her with her hair. This time the gown that had been sent to her was black with embroidered red flowers. It had puffy sleeves, in a dark purple color. Her hair had been put up again, the queen did not like it when her hair was down. Darya did not see a point in fighting about her hair, she did not care much about it. She was not sure why they made her get dressed and ready for the day when she was not allowed to leave her chambers.

The maid left the chambers as soon as she was done and Darya let out an annoyed sigh. She had been locked up in the chambers for days and had been losing her mind. She had checked the entire chamber and knew every brick. The thing she thought about the most was Helaena and what she had said about her children. She needed someone to listen to her aunt and knew that the only one who could protect her was the man she hated the most at that time.

The doors opened and Aemond walked in, he looked a bit apprehensive and even while the doors were closed he did not move closer to her.

"I received your note." He looked confused. "How did you even get the maid to take me the note?"

"I gave her one of my gold rings." The woman's eyes had sparkled when Darya had given her the ring, the small piece of jewelry could feed the woman's family for a whole year, and she had been more than happy to deliver her note to Aemond. "Believe me, she had no complaints and was more than happy to take you the note."

"Do not worry, I will not tell anyone." Darya just raised an eyebrow, she did not care if he told anyone. "What is the matter?"

"I need you to take Helaena and her children and get them out of the Red Keep." She would have preferred to jump off the balcony instead of asking Aemond for help, but this was not about her. "You need to make sure she and the children are surrounded by guards, people you trust completely."

"Why?" Aemond's face changed and this time he moved closer to her. "What is happening?"

"Someone is going to try to hurt Helaena's children, I do not know which one." Aemond looked a bit confused and she could see the distrust in his eyes. "I hate you, Aemond. You took part of my soul when you killed Arrax and I do not think I can ever forgive you for that. In all honesty, I want nothing more than to kill you, but the fear for Helaena and her children is stronger than my hate for you. I need you to believe me."

Aemond looked at her directly in the eye and she could tell he was trying to figure out if she was telling him the truth. He looked unsure for a few seconds, but he must have seen something in her face that made him change his mind.

"Fine, I will see what I can do." He looked unsure for a moment. "Are you going to tell me why? Why are you so fearful?"

"I know my family and as much as I love Daemon I also know what he is capable of." She shrugged. "He will not let something like this pass, he will want revenge and he will use the weakest person to do it."

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