Chapter 6

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The petition for the Driftmark succession is heard. Most things will happen like they did on the show, other things will be different. I hope you guys like it 🥰

Her mother had insisted on choosing her gown and her jewels. While Darya preferred to pick her own clothes she was aware her mother wanted to make a statement. Her mother had dressed her like a Velaryon, not leaving anything to chance. She had picked an off-the-shoulder sea blue gown with lace and tulle details. Her neck was adorned by a white gold necklace with a large aquamarine stone, which had belonged to her grandmother at one point in time. Her white gold tiara was adorned with diamonds, it had belonged to her mother when she was younger, a gift from Daemon. Half her brown hair had been braided back to get it out of her face, the rest fell down her back in curls. Her mother was lucky that Darya loved the color blue and had several blue gowns.

She made it to the throne room and was surprised to see her grandsire there. While he looked sicker than the last time she had seen him, he did not look as confused as the last time she had seen him. The queen kept feeding him milk of the poppy so he would not intervene with her plans. She had talked to her grandsire the night before during supper and told him about the hand's inclinations. She had not told him the whole truth, knowing that he would not believe her. Her grandsire had never believed anything bad about Otto and she was not going to lose her breath trying to convince him.

She walked up to the king and dropped into a curtsy, the smile never leaving her face. "Your grace, I am pleased to see you."

"Ah, my sweet girl," He gave her the same smile he gave her mother, pleased to see her. "Walk with me."

"It would be my honor."

She lifted the front of her skirt a bit, not wanting to trip, and turned to face the doors as her grandsire nodded to the two kingsguards who immediately opened them. Apparently, her mother had been in the middle of a discussion with the hand, but everyone stopped and turned to look at the king, their eyes widening when they saw her standing next to him.

"King Viserys of House Targaryen, the first of his name. King of the Andals and the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." The Kingsguard's voice was loud and clear. "And his granddaughter, Princess Darya of House Velaryon and Targaryen."

Otto Hightower's face paled and he stood up, she did not miss the glare he sent her way, but she kept a pleasant smile on her face. She walked a step behind her grandsire, slow and steady, watching him carefully and making sure he would not fall. Vaemond Velaryon did not look so sure any longer, he knew things were not going to go his way.

Her grandsire looked at Otto for a few moments. "I will sit on the throne today."

Otto had no choice but to nod and step aside, his eyes were hateful when he turned to look at her. Darya just smiled before winking at the man, whose face became so red it looked like it would explode.

Her grandsire climbed the steps to the throne slowly, but steadily. Darya waited until he was sitting down before dropping into another curtsy and moving to stand beside her mother.

"I must admit my confusion." Her grandsire took several deep breaths before he continued to talk. "I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present who might offer keener insight into Lord Corlys's wishes is the Princess Rhaenys."

She had to hand it to her grandmother, she hid her surprise well.

"Indeed, your grace." The woman moved to stand in the center of the room and looked directly at the king. "It was ever my husband's will that Driftmark pass through Ser Laenor to his true born son Joffrey Velaryon. His mind never changed, nor did my support for him." Darya made sure not to let the confusion she was feeling show on her face. Her grandmother had never liked her or her brothers. Why would she support her mother now? The next words out of her mouth cleared things for Darya. "As a matter of fact, Princess Rhaenyra had just informed me of her desire to marry her sons Jace and Joffrey to Lord Corlys's granddaughters, Baela and Rhaena. A proposal to which I heartily agree."

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