1 - Lunchtime at the Station 19

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Welcome to my first story! Please note that English is not my native language!
But I will put a lot of effort into every sentence I publish :)

You are welcome to share ideas with me in the comments.



Tw! Sexual assault, rape, violence…


"Grahammmm, overly punctual as always!"

Maya said with a laugh and a wink as she went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Yeah, I've been a bit intimidated by Beckett since I was late a week ago..."

I laughed at her and saw her trying not to burst out laughing like she did a week ago. Last week I was half an hour late for shift change and Beckett asked me straight into his office and made me do the whole station’s laundry since then.

"I'm sure he'll calm down soon and then you won't have to do the laundry anymore"

Maya said as she stroked my shoulders and looked at the textbook lying open on the table in front of me.

I had borrowed a book from Diane to study for Crisis One and tried to read something in it over my morning coffee. Maya sat down next to me, pulled the book towards her and read the title out loud:

“Understanding people's aggressive behavior and how to deal with it.“

She looked at me questioningly and raised her eyebrow:

“Why isn't this mandatory for every first responder?"

I just shrugged my shoulders and assured her that I was of the same opinion that everyone should have read this at least once in their general training.

At that moment, Victoria and Travis entered the hallway and wished us a good morning. Vic saw the book in front of us and seemed to recognize it from Diane:

"Studying hard Mila? I'm sooo proud of you! Crisis One will only get better with you!"

She hugged me jokingly and pulled Maya in with her as Maya pouted jokingly:

"Without me?"

Andy entered the room with Ben and Jack, saw our hug, laughed enthusiastically, ran to us with open arms and said:

"Group hug?! I'm in!"

Jack ran after her pulling Travis with him and hugging the group. After a good minute Travis asked the question of all questions, which Ben was also asking himself by now:

“Why are we actually hugging? Not that I don't like it, I just want to ask"

Vic replied with a simple

“Because we all love each other sooooo much"

And shortly afterwards we were all interrupted by Beckett, who entered the kitchen with Theo, announced the start of the shift and called for everyone to line up

Down in the hall we lined up and I was already expecting him to repeat that I still had to do the laundry for the shift, which he did:

“Good morning 19, the last shift has already checked and cleaned the vehicles, but the oxygen still needs to be checked and replaced if necessary. Ruiz, Warren, please do that. Herrera, Bishop, you check the hoses and Graham, Gibson, Montgomery, you check the stock in the ambulance. And Graham, don't forget the laundry, you keep doing that too. For the vehicle dispatches, Sullivan you're on desk duty, Hughes, Graham you're on the aid car. Warren, Montgomery, Herrera, Gibson you're on the fire truck, Bishop, Ruiz and myself are on the ladder. And now get to work 19!"

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