8 - You left her alone?

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TW: selfharm scars, rape, abuse…

Written in an omniscient storyteller’s perspective…
Changing to Mila‘s perspective again after this one.

Please tell me how you like this perspective change and comment if I should do changes like this one more often. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how this story could continue you might as well want to comment :)

Outside the bedroom, where Mila was lying in bed to have a little privacy, stood Vic and Carina. Vic looked worriedly at Carina:

"No one knew about this, I didn't know her parents did this to her. And now she's been… she has been raped by this man! Only more baggage has been placed on her shoulders…. Carina, I've seen the other scars too, I know what scars look like when they're self-inflicted. I'm worried about her, but I don't want to put pressure on her to talk."


"You know that as her doctor, I'm not allowed to tell you much, even though I know quite a bit more and share the same concerns with you. But I'm sure that if we were to sit down with her and maybe get Maya, Andy or Travis and Jack involved... She would trust you all with everything, she would talk about her thoughts and feelings, she would let you into her world like she did with Miranda, Ben and me."




"She was with Miranda a few times, Ben witnessed a lot."


"That explains why she often only talked to him after hard calls."

Vic exhaled a deep breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. She searched again for eye contact with Carina, who was biting her lip nervously and fidgeting her hands. They were both rather worried and didn't wanted to leave Mila alone and at the same time wanted to find a way to relieve her of the whole stress.

Maya and Andy walked silently out of the shower room to their lockers and saw Carina and Vic standing there. Maya took Carina in her arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek:

"How is she, how are you, you two look worried."

Carina looked at the two questioning, half-naked women and began to explain:

"She had a shower after she finished with Miranda and me and then Vic and I went into this bedroom with her to talk a bit. She wanted to have a little time to herself now, we had said that we would check on her again at 9pm, she said that she might even come out of the room to us herself. But we definitely have to check in on her again, I’m worried."

Vic looked at Andy and Vic:

"We need to talk to her, she's overplaying her feelings and thoughts and not just since yesterday or this incident today. I'm really worried as well. Today has brought up a lot of things for her and traumatized her even more, maybe we should get Diane involved as well.“

Andy and Vic nodded in understanding and changed into their clothes. Andy finished first and looked at Vic and Carina still standing there looking worried and nervous:

"We will all talk to her when she has slept and is more or less herself again. Let's go to the others now and check on her in 15 minutes. You two also need a little time to come to terms with everything that's happened so far today."

Maya had now finished as well and looked at Carina and gave her a warm hug. A few seconds later they could both be heard mumbling into each other's hair:

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