18 - Mila harms herself?

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TW: Discussion of Self-harming


After Andy had opened Mila's door a crack and whispered inside, there was a moment of silence.

Carina and Vic looked confusedly towards the door, where Andy, Travis and Maya were standing.

They both immediately stood up in panic, but also confused.

What did the three of them want? It was almost time for them to line up downstairs by the vehicles and now they came bursting in like that?

Had something bad happened? Had someone come into Station 19 and needed Carina as a doctor?

What was going on?

After one last quick glance at Mila, Carina and Vic left the room and closed the door behind them.

Not even a second after the door closed, the three of them were questioned by Carina:

"What's wrong, did something happen?! Maya, is everything okay, are you... Are you all right?!

She was nervous and didn't really understand what was going on, it was finally a bit calmer after all the trouble.

Maya took her girlfriend in her arms to calm her down and whispered in her ear:

"I... I'm fine... but we found something, it was apparently in Mila's pocket and..."

Maya broke away from Carina, who was already imagining what they had found and what might be going on.

"...Let's sit down for a moment and talk properly. The situation is nothing to discuss in a hurry."

Vic and Carina were still looking at each other with no knowledge.

Travis put his hand on Vic's shoulder with a sad look, still holding the package in the other. She looked at him and Carina's attention turned to him as well.

He got a panicked, questioning look from Carina when she noticed what he was holding.

Andy noticed Carina's reaction first and just as Carina opened her mouth to speak, Andy interrupted her, taking her and Vic by the arms and pulling them towards the kitchen:

"Let's sit down please, we don't want to wake Mila up again. We'll explain everything in a minute and we can talk and clarify questions from both sides."

Travis and Maya followed the others to the kitchen table and Travis swallowed deeply as he looked at the package and turned it over in his hand.

Carina's reaction had already given him too much information; unfortunately, he was almost certain that Mila had cut herself and he was holding the blade she had supposedly used to do it.

They sat down at the table and Andy immediately started talking:

"I don't want you to get upset, panicked or anything, we decided to just ask and rule out that this is the thing we fear in the worst case scenario... okay?"

Carina nodded and Travis placed the package on the table in front of him.

Vic looked at Carina with her mouth open, exhaling deeply, but could barely get the words out:

"Is that?..."

She knew from the size, small silver corner peeking out and small dried blood stains what this small unimpressive package was in relation to Mila.

Maya now continued:

"When Andy and I were shaking out her clothes on the balcony, it flew out of her sweatpants pocket."

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