3 - What happened!?

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Tw: rape, interpretable self-harm, sexuall assault, violence...

Carina led me through the front door and into the entrance area. Robert immediately got up from his desk when he saw us entering:

"Oh my God Carina, WHAT has happened to Mila?!"

My vision started to blur again and I just wanted to leave. Beckett came out through the door of his office, he seemed to have heard us come in. This was the last straw that broke the camel's back for me. I ran up the stairs to find some peace and quiet in one of the bedrooms so I could finally breathe again.

Carina tried to show Beckett and Robert with gestures that they would be in serious trouble if they said anything now or ran after her and Mila. She now ran up the stairs after me:

"Mila, where are you running to, please wait, let's talk and let me help you!"

I ran past the lounge and didn't realize that Travis, Theo and Vic were sitting on the couch, worried, while Maya was pacing frantically, that Ben was trying to talk Maya down and Jack was holding his head in his hands, blaming himself that anything happened at all.

Unlike me, however, the others saw us and clearly heard Carina storming after me and calling out my name out loud

"Carina, what happened, where is Mila going?"

I overheard Maya asking, but she didn't have time to explain her suspicions while running after me. So Maya ran a few meters behind me next to Carina while Carina gave a quick summary which I no longer noticed because of my panic:

"I think she was abused by a man on her way back, I don't know much though and she hasn't talked to me or Andy by herself yet. Please tell Ben and Vic to call Miranda she already prepared a kit, just in case"

Maya nodded and let Carina go after me alone for now. Carina entered the changing room by the showers and saw that a door from a dormitory was slightly opened. She entered the room and saw me huddled in the corner, crying.

I had run without noticing any of my surroundings into a spare bedroom, so I could finally get some privacy.


I saw that Carina had followed me, I didn't really have the strength to hide properly or lock myself away anywhere either, so it wasn't really surprising. I didn't want to talk though, I didn't want help, I just wanted to die and forget.

Carina wouldn't let up though, she never did when she tried to talk to me about anything:

"Mila, you have to talk. If it's not with me, then with someone else."

Carina sat down on the floor a meter away from me and leaned against the bed. I looked into her eyes, which looked hurt and held tears:

„Please tell me what happened, from what you've said and how you look right now... it seems really important to talk to someone what happened."

I sobbed and nodded:

„I will try to talk to you, but I would really want to shower right now..."

Carina exhaled and replied sadly:

"You can go and have a shower in a minute, okay? I can also help you with that and help you find some clean clothes, whatever helps you. But first, let's have a quick chat and see what needs to be done first..."

I could tell from Carina's hesitation that something was wrong, she would never try to prevent me from showering before talking. My mind wandered and I found myself back at the bus stop, hearing footsteps behind me getting louder and louder. Carina noticed this and tried to bring me back to the present:

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