Meet cute

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During this years lantern rite season, Freminet and his siblings took a vacation in Liyue due to the famous holiday. They all saw amazing performances and went sight seeing, but a specific performance caught Freminet's eye. Not the chopstick trick, though he did think it was pretty amazing and something he'd hope to learn someday. But he thought this young boy performing a lion dance was far more impressive than a guy playing with chopsticks. It was quite crowded, after all, it was the night of lantern rite. Everyone was gathering around the fence to try and get a better look at him. Freminet wanted to jump in the water and dive, just so he could get a closer look at him. But that was silly, and he was far too scared and shy to even consider it. He was even more shy to find him after the performance, surely he couldn't be hard to find. But if he did, what would Freminet say to the "lion boy"? "Your performance was amazing," would be too weird to say, how would the conversation go on after that? He could invite the lion boy to see one of his siblings magic shows. Freminet only wished that he could be a part of them, maybe then the lion boy would find what he does impressive instead of being a simple diver. Either way he lives in Liyue, there's no way he'd ever have the chance to see one of their shows.

A few months after Fremi and his siblings returned to Fontaine!

Freminet never thought he'd ever see the lion boy again, especially not in Fontaine. Yet there he was, sitting a row infront of him during one of his siblings shows. He totally freaked out when he realized it was the lion boy. So after the show, Freminet ran out the opera house.

Unlucky for him, Gaming, the lion boy, saw this and couldn't help but feel concerned for him. So he ran after him. Gaming had never seen this boy before, but there was something about him that caught his eye. He was different, but the reason why was within Gaming's grasp. Then he saw him dive into the ocean, uhm was that normal for Fontanians? Either way the scenery was beautiful. He sat down in the sand and enjoyed the hot sun shining down on his smile. Then he took off his clothes (dw guys he has basketball shorts under because for some reason every man does!), a quick swim couldn't hurt.

It hadn't been long since Freminet had dived in the ocean, but he felt calmer now. But just as he was about to go up, he saw gaming.
"Oh my Archons, Father please come save me." He thought to himself.
Then a big ass crab started biting his leg, so he quite literally jumped out into shore. Freminet is really scared of crabs biting him, for some reason. Not any other sea creature, only crabs.

That was the boy that jumped into the ocean earlier. He was wearing a dive suit and a scuba mask. He then took off his mask to take a deep breath. Gaming couldn't help but stare,he had no words, and usually he'd be pretty talkative.

"Uh..." That was quite embarrassing, and Freminet had lived through lots of embarrassing moments.
"I was just leaving..." He mumbled.

"Wait." Gaming had been, uhm... Looking at the sand, and Freminet just so happened to be there, and he saw the bite marks that stupid crab left on his leg.
"What happened to your leg?" Gaming got out of the water and moved closer to Freminet to see the mark better.

"Crab." He could barely speak from how nervous he was. Gaming was really close. There was absolutely no need to get closer, and it didn't help that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Does it hurt a lot? I got bit by a crab once when I was a kid, I really liked collecting them for some reason. Not after I got bit though, that hella hurt. It was a blue one too, the one crab color I didn't have. I'm still really mad about that, I could've been done with my crab collection if it hadn't bit me." Gaming started yapping, as usual.
"Whoops... Am I talking to much again? Please tell me if I am, I don't wanna bother you."

"No, no! It's fine, I don't mind."
"Especially with that pretty voice of yours."
That's what Freminet wanted to say, but he didn't, of course. Who in their right mind would?
"Wait, the crabs back!"

"Okay, what the flip dude. It just took my shirt. I forgot I didn't have that on to be honest." I'm not sure why he didn't put it back on when he got out the water, but oh well.
"Why does that crab have beef with us?"

"I might've accidentally kicked its baby the other day." Freminet goes out diving daily, or at least he tries to. The other he went diving and saw a baby crab, it was running towards him so he got scared and kicked it. I don't think its mom liked that.

"No way, you go diving here often? That's so dope!" Gaming said ignoring the fact Freminet kicked a crab for no reason.

"I guess." Did he really think it was cool?
Anyway, Gaming started talking about whatever came to his mind. He was so comfortable talking to Freminet as if they hadn't officially met a few minutes ago. Freminet tried not to talk to much and just listen, that's what he was best at. Among all his rambling Freminet managed to learn a few things about Gaming. Like the reason he was here, apparently his boss told him to take a break because he'd been injured after his last transport (idk what they're really called). Freminet tried to ask about the injury, but Gaming wouldn't budge. He also kept mentioning dim sum. Freminet wasn't too sure of what it was, but it sounded good.
After a long yapping session, Freminet managed to gather the courage to ask Gaming something.
"Gaming," he turned to look at him.
"How long will you be staying in Fontaine? Maybe we could, uhm... I don't know, do something together." He said, avoiding Gamings gaze.

"No way, are you serious?!" Gaming blurted out.

Freminet wasn't too sure of how to feel about his reaction, was that good or bad?
"I'm sorry, that was stupid of me..."

"What, no! I'd love to, you're my friend now!" Is what he really meant to say before, he just had to find the right words.

Freminet couldn't help but smile, and so did Gaming.

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