"I am stronger than you give me credit for"

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After Gaming left it was just Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet in the room.

"Don't push yourself, Freminet. Lynette and I can do this mission by ourselves. Just rest for as long as you need to." Lyney said.

"But... 'Father.' I can't disappoint her, nor you and Lynette." Freminet said, his voice was weak.

"It's okay, Freminet. You don't have to worry about this mission." He repeated.

"Let me help, i'll be fine." Freminet said, sounding slightly annoyed.

"No, Freminet, we'll be just fine without you."

"I'm not a child anymore, Lyney." Freminet looked down at his hands fidgeting. "You don't need to protect me from everything, i'm stronger than you think I am." He mumbled, still sounding annoyed.

"Freminet, you got stabbed just yesterday." He put his hand on Freminet's.

"That's not fair! It was three against one." He yellled. "Well three against two." He muttered that last sentence.

"Well check on you later, get some rest."

"Don't worry, brother. We'll handle this, just rest for now." Lynette finally speaked. "He's just worried for you." She said after Lyney left the room, and she followed after him.

"It's not fair..." Freminet whispered to himself.

Despite still believing in the fairy tales he used to as a child, he's matured and grown older since then. But neither Lyney nor Lynette nor "Father" could understand that. If his mother was still here she would understand, but she wasn't. She would never doubt him, or his strength. She wouldn't ever make him feel useless or insignificant.

He tried to go after them, surely he could be helpful, but he couldn't bear the pain when he stood up. Maybe Dr. Baizhu was right, he need some rest. Maybe they were all right, he wasn't strong enough. He looked down at his wounds, and touched one of them.
"Fuck!" He groaned in pain.
"Maybe I shouldn't touch them."
Lyney was right, he need to rest.
"Why am I so useless?" He wondered while looking at the ceiling. And just as he thought he things couldn't get worse, Gaming walked in the room.

*Kind of a short chapter cs before showing Gaming's and Yunjins convo (that chapter is almost done bc I was working on it before this) I realized I wanted to add that little convo between Lyney and Freminet and Freminet's feelings :)*

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