Conch Madeleines and tea

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It'd be a while before Gaming and Freminet ever saw each other again, so might as well make the best of it. Though they had only agreed to have dinner before Gaming left, it was still something.

"Freminet! There you are." Gaming said.

Freminet just smiled and sat down next to him. The waiter then approached their table and asked what they wanted.

"What do you recommend Fremi?" He said while looking at the menu.

"Conch Madeleine is good, Lynette always gets it. I think i'm gonna get that." He looked at the menu as well.

"Do you mind if we share, i'm not really hungry." Gaming put his menu down and looked at Freminet.

"Sure, that's fine with me." Freminet also put his menu down.

The waiter looked a bit puzzled considering that what they had just ordered was a dessert. She shrugged it off thinking that's what they came for.
"Alright then, and I assume you both want tea with that."
They both nodded.
"Okay then, I'll that right out." The waiter took the menus and left, still wondering if they were only ordering dessert.

"Are you excited to go back to Liyue?" Freminet tried to start a conversation.

"Yes, but i'm also gonna miss Fontaine, and you." Gaming avoided Freminet's gaze.

"I wish you could stay for longer..." He whispered with a sad look in his face.

"Well anyway, let's worry about that when I actually leave." He looked back up at Freminet. "How about I tell you about Liyue. Maybe one day you could visit and see one of my dances!"

"That'd be amazing." He was speaking more confidently and with a smile now. The thought of seeing him again made Freminet smile.

"Great! Did I tell you about the lantern rite, it was a few months ago but still!" Gaming started talking about the lantern rite and his performance, along with the plan the traveler and Xianyun had made.

Freminet already knew about his amazing performance during lantern rite, but Gaming didn't know that. So Freminet just listened and smiled like he always did. He was okay with Gaming thinking that the first time they met was that day at his siblings magic show. It was crazy to think that months ago, to Freminet, Gaming was just a guy lion dancing. But now he was more than that, it's a shame they couldn't be anymore than friends after today.

The waiter finally arrived with the Conch Madeleine and tea.
"Enjoy!" She smiled and walked away accepting they were only getting dessert.

"Woah, this looks so good!" Gaming took a bite out of one them. "They're kinda sweet."

"I think they're supposed to be a dessert."

"Oh," Gaming shrugged and took another bite. "It's really good anyways."

Freminet reached for a Madeleine, and so did Gaming. Their hands touched and they both looked at each other. That same feeling appeared, but this time it was stronger. Freminet slowly moved his hand, then suddenly their hands met again. Freminet wrapped his hand around Gaming's, neither of them let go.

"Gaming," Freminet looked at their hands. "I-"

Before he could say another word Gaming placed his hand around Freminet's waist, and the other on his chin. He then leaned closer to his face, and just as their eyes met a sense of regret he would later feel struck him. He couldn't just kiss Freminet and then leave, if only it was that simple. So he placed his other hand around Freminet's waist and his head on his shoulder. *Basically a hug*

Freminet was frozen, he didn't know what to do. But despite that a warm and fuzzy feeling filled his heart. He just rested his head on Gaming's and enjoyed the hug.

After that awfully awkward hug they finished the Conch Madeleines and tea. These words were never exchanged, but they both agreed to not speak of the hug. It was a little awkward after it, but not for too long. Gaming soon after started talking about how Liyue's food was good, but it couldn't compete with Fontaine's. The time of Gaming's departure was getting closer, and as each minute went down, so did Freminet's mood.

Then the time had finally come, and the gloomy weather was just fitting for the occasion. Gaming and Freminet now stood by the aquabus that would be taking Gaming to Liyue. They stood face to face, waiting for the other to say something. The soft sound of leaves rustling against each other and the silent whistle of the wind played in the background.

"I'm gonna miss you Freminet."

"I'm gonna miss you too."

The night sky made their eyes glow and tears show. They both longed for each other, but was their longing real? Or was it just lust? After all, they'd only known each other for a few days. How could someone fall in love in such a short time? It sure felt like they both did. They hugged one last time. No other words were said, no other glances were exchanged, and so they parted ways for what seemed like a lifetime.

*This chapter might've been a bit dramatic whoops*

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