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After Gaming left Bubu pharmacy, he looked for Yunjin.

"Yunjin!" Gaming yelled as soon as he saw her. She turned around to look at him, and before he could say anything, she started talking.

"Gaming, I don't know what your past with that boy is." She sighed before speaking again. "But seeing the way you look at him, you're clearly in love with him, and I don't wanna get in your way." She had a sad smile on her face.

He looked at her with a shock looked in his face before giving her a reply.
"I still love you." He didn't wanna disappoint Yunjin.

"But not as much as you'll love him." She hugged him one last time. "Now go get him." 

Gaming was happy Yunjin understood. He expected a much worse reaction from her, but Yunjin was a kind soul, and an understanding one. You'd never hear her utter such harsh words, not to someone she loved so dearly. And it was truly a pity that their relationship had to end so suddenly. Poor Yunjin didn't deserved to be dumped so easily, and she didn't deserved to be a temporary replacement for Freminet. Because that's all she truly was, even if Gaming didn't realize it. Now he had to explain everything to Freminet. He had to explain him how he was still madly in love with him, he always was. He could never love anyone half as much as he loved Freminet. What they had was special, but how could he explain that to Freminet after betraying his love for him?

Gaming rushed back to Bubu pharmacy to find Freminet. He ignored the person behind the counter greeting him, and ran inside the room Freminet was resting in. Freminet was sitting down on the bed, but as soon as he saw Gaming walk inside the room he laid down, and looked outside the window. This was his way of saying "I still don't wanna talk to you," but Gaming wouldn't take no for an answer. He was going to explain himself whether Freminet was listening or not. That way, he could at least say he tried.

"Freminet, I'm sorry. I love you, I always have. I just never told you because I was scared you only saw me as a friend, but now I see that that's not the case. It never was, was it? From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted to be more than your friend. But I was scared to fall in love.  I was scared to fall for you, knowing we wouldn't see each other again. Turns out we did meet again after all, huh?" He said hoping to get a response.

"But you weren't scared to fall for Yunjin." Freminet said, still looking out the window.

Gaming didn't say anything, how could he possibly reply to that? There's no justifying that. Freminet was right, but could you blame Gaming? It's not a sin to fall in love more than once, though his love was only real for Freminet. But aside from that, how could he have possibly known he'd see Freminet again?

"You're right though, I did love you, and I thought you did too. I thought that for once I was the first choice, but it was stupid of me to think that." He got up and walked outside.  He held the sides of his stomach as he was still in pain.

"Wait, Freminet!" He ran after him. "You're not listening to me!"

"Listening to what, your lies?" He stopped walking and turned around. "I'm tired of people lying to my face, i'm tired of being so insignificant to everyone. I can't believe I thought we could ever be together, I can't believe I ever loved you." He couldn't control his words, they just kept coming. He had a frustrated look on his face, but as soon as he saw Gaming's reaction, he realized how cruel the words that had just come out of his mouth were. His look changed, and shortly after he broke down in tears, falling into Gaming's arms. He tried to speak, but only tears came out. How could he be so cruel to the one person he truly loved? He wouldn't even be here right now if it wasn't for Gaming, what was he thinking? Of course Gaming loved him, right?

Gaming just held him silently, in shock of what Freminet said. A single tear ran down his cheek, and he finally said something.
"Freminet, I would never lie to you. I love you, and i'm sorry I never had the courage to tell you that until now. There's no other person in this world I could ever love more than you, my feelings for you can't compare.  I never stopped loving you, but at some point I felt like I couldn't wait forever. Though now I know I was wrong, and if I have to wait for you again, I promise I will."  He said in between Freminet's cries. He held him gently, like how he should've held his heart the first time. People walking by looked, but that didn't mattered. What mattered to Gaming was that he finally spoke his truth.

At some point the tears came to an end, but Freminet refused to let go of Gaming.

"Gaming, I love you." He looked up at him. His eyes shined upon meeting his, and it felt like the first time he saw him, like he had just fallen in love again.

"I love you too, Freminet." The same sensation filled Gaming, and he too fell in love all over again.

Still holding each other, Gaming leaned closer to Freminet. His body heated up as Gaming's face got closer to his. And just as their lips were about to meet a little girls voice interrupted them.

*Kind of a longer chapter to make up for the last chapter. But would you guys like to see more on the mission, or should I just make the last chapter just about them? If I do the 2nd one i'll probably finish off the story in like 1 or 2 chapters, but the 1st one will probably take longer to complete. So lmk which one sounds best :3*

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