Pretty, like you

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Freminet and Gaming had arranged to meet twice before he goes back to Liyue harbor. Today was one of the days they had agreed to hang out. Freminet was nervous, extremely nervous. Thoughts began to fill his mind, "Why did I ask that? It's gonna be so awkward..."
But knowing Gaming, it would definitely not be awkward.
Gaming insisted on going diving as their second not date. He  wanted to know more about Freminet, and the ocean was a great start.

"Freminet!" Gaming exclaimed upon seeing Freminet.

"Oh, hello." He was just as shy as he was before.

"Aren't you excited Fremi? I thought you loved diving!"

"Fremi? He already had a nickname for me?" He thought to himself.

He stayed quiet for the rest of the way and just listened to Gaming talk. He couldn't hide his smile anytime he heard Gaming's voice, of course he'd wanna listen to him talk. Gaming would occasionally stop to like at Freminet and grab his hand as he told him something exciting. Whenever he did this Freminet would avoid his gaze in attempt to not blush, but he did regardless. Gaming would notice this and become flustered too, he'd let go out of embarrassment. But secretly they both wanted to keep holding on to each others hand.
"His hands feel so cold and soft to my touch. I could only dream of feeling his face in such way and counting his freckles."
That was all Gamjng could think about after he'd grab Freminet's hands. If only Freminet was aware of these thoughts. Maybe then he wouldn't feel so insecure about his freckles.

After an unnecessarily long walk, Freminet and Gaming arrived at the beach. Gaming dived into the water without hesitation, Freminet followed after him.

"Woah, what is that?" Gaming's voice was muffled underwater, and he pointed at a Romaritime flower.

"That's a Romaritime flower, its petals can expand when they absorb water." He felt more confident talking when his voice wasn't so clear. "They're beautiful."

"They really are beautiful," he paused for a second. "Much like you." This time he spoke with a softer voice, and it didn't help that his voice was already muffled underwater.


"Huh? I just said they're pretty."

"Oh, right."
Freminet was sure he had heard Gaming say something else, but couldn't quite make out what his words were.

"Did I for real say that?" Gaming thought to himself as he followed behind Freminet. He knew what he said was true, but why did he say it? He didn't like Freminet, not like that. But if that was the case, why did he keep thinking about him in such way?
"No, he's definitely just my friend."
He only hoped Freminet didn't hear what he said about him.

Lucky for him Freminet was clueless, but he still wondered what he tried to say when they were underwater.

They continued their little underwater expedition. Freminet showed him some other sea life and other stuff. By the end of their adventure Gaming had seen almost all of the underwater world of Fontaine. Freminet tried his best to focus when he showed Gaming, but he could only think of what he said.
"What if it was about me? Was it bad?"
The thoughts just kept flowing in.

They finally emerged from the water, they ended up near the beach they had first met at. After diving all day the last thing they wanted to do was walk, so they took the aquabus.

"Why does this thing take so long?" Gaming was getting impatient. "I'm gonna freeze if I don't change out of these clothes soon."

Before Freminet could ask why he didn't bring clothes to change into, the aquabus arrived.

"Finally!" Gaming took a seat next to Freminet. He glanced at him and smiled.

They stayed silent for most of the ride. Gaming couldn't help but glance at Freminet every so often, he looked good with his hair wet. Freminet on the other hand, was extremely nervous the whole way. Gaming had sat really close to him, and their hands kept touching. This made Freminet blush. All he could think about was holding his hand, and what he said when they were underwater.

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