Giggles and smiles

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Friend was the word Gaming used to describe him and Freminet's relationship. He considered Freminet his friend, that was something that amazed Freminet. How could one befriend him so suddenly? Well he managed to do so, despite Freminet's shy and introverted nature. Though that wasn't new for Gaming, he could easily befriend anyone. But it was new for Freminet, he had little friends. And was only comfortable speaking to people he knows, like Lyney and Lynette. Either way Freminet had no interest in meeting new people, he was perfectly fine hanging out with the Tidalgas in the ocean. But he didn't mind Gamings company, and even though he talked a lot, he didn't intimidate or startle Freminet in any way like others would. Gaming didn't mind having Freminet listening to him talk away his day, his company alone was enough to make one smile. He didn't mind a shy friend, and Freminet didn't mind an outgoing one either.  After all, opposites attract.

After their "little" chat in the beach, Gaming went back to the hotel and jumped on the bed. He tried to gather his thoughts, what was so different about Freminet? He made new friends all the time, but never a Fontainian. And on top of that he liked to dive, how cool is that?! Gaming had never met anyone like him. The freckles on his face highlighted his pale skin, and the sunlight reflecting on his blue eye made it glow. Gaming only wished he could've moved Freminet's hair so his other eye was visible. This was no way to describe a friend, but he couldn't help it. The thoughts just kept flowing in, and as they did he couldn't help but giggle and smile.

Freminet could say the same about Gaming he hadn't left his mind ever since that day he saw him at the lantern rite. The way he moved across the water was mesmerizing. But his voice was even more hypnotizing, he could listen to him talk for hours. And he looked even better without the lion mask, and without a shirt. Just the thought of Gaming dressed like that beside him at the beach made him blush. Freminet couldn't stop thinking about the next time they'll meet, if only he could stay forever in Fontaine.

"Fremi who are you giggling about?" Lyney said with a smug expression, did his dear brother find a lover at last?

"Oh Lyney, uhm... I didn't see you there." Had he been smiling and giggling thinking about Gaming this whole time?

"Tell me brother, who is the one making you blush?"

"I-I'm not blushing..." He stuttered.
Lyney just smiled at him and walked away, but it was that smile.
"Ugh, why must I have such a nosy brother?" He wondered, "can't even have privacy nowadays." Freminet loved his siblings and family, but that didn't meant they had to know everything that goes on in his life. He preferred to keep stuff to himself. He would only tell anyone once he's comfortable enough to.

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