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Earlier, after Freminet ran away, him and Yunjin got into an argument. He tried to explain to Yunjin why he was acting so strange around her as soon as Freminet came, but she wouldn't have it. Yunjin walked away before he could explain any further. He took this chance to run after Freminet. In the distance he could hear another voice, one that wasn't Freminet's. The only thing he heard was the word "Fatui," was Freminet one of them? By the time he found Freminet he was on the floor reaching for his claymore as those two men stabbed him. That's when he attacked one of the men attacking him, and they then defeat the other two. He heard Freminet's claymore hit the floor, and when he turned around Freminet was lying on the floor unconscious.

"Freminet! Are you okay?" Gaming dropped his weapon, and he got on his knees to get a closer look at Freminet. "Never mind that, I need to get you somewhere safe. We need to find Dr. Baizhu." Gaming looked distressed, he didn't know what to do. He didn't have any bandages, so he took his shirt off and wrapped it around Freminet's stab wounds in an attempt to stop the bleeding. It was cold, but luckily he still had his hoodie. Without another doubt Gaming lifted Freminet off the floor, and carried him all the way to bubu pharmacy.
"Hello, is anyone here?" Gaming said as he laid Freminet on the floor and knocked on the door. A blood pool was slowly forming around Freminet.

Dr. Baizhu walked towards the front door like a zombie, he must've been sleeping.
"It's like 1 AM, why are you-" He rubbed his eyes to make sure that what he was seeing was right. "Oh my archons, get him inside."

Gaming nodded, and he carried Freminet inside. He laid Freminet on a bed.
"Dr. Baizhu, will he be okay...?" He said while he looked at Freminet. He couldn't help but feel guilty for what happened to Freminet. He shouldn't have let him run off, he shouldn't have given him a reason to in the first place.

"He'll survive, but he won't be fully healed for a few weeks." Baizhu said as he removed the shirt Gaming wrapped around Freminet's wounds. "But he's lost a lot of blood already, do you mind donating some? If you're the same blood type of course." The stab wounds were now exposed. There were about 4 cuts visible in each side, and the bleeding was still going.

Gaming closed his eyes and held Freminet's hand while Baizhu cleaned his wounds. He couldn't bear to see Freminet in pain, even if he couldn't feel it because he was unconscious. When Gaming opened his eyes again Freminet was sitting down. He had bandages all around his stomach, and he was still holding Gaming's hand. He blinked repeatedly to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him.
"Freminet...?" He placed his other hand on Freminet's arm and looked at him. He then looked outside, the sun was out.

Freminet didn't say anything. He just smiled at him, but it was a sad smile. He looked at Lyney and Lynette whom were standing in front of him.
"I'm sorry. I messed up, again..."

"It's okay, Freminet. Lynette and I can take this mission." Lyney hugged Freminet to reassure him.

Freminet didn't move, he just cried silently.
"Why am I so useless? I always mess up the missions. I wish I was more like Lyney and Lynette, they're so good at what they do." He repeated those thoughts in his head.
"Please, leave me alone." He finally said. "You can go back to your girlfriend, Gaming." He let go of Gaming's hand.

"Freminet..." Gaming pleaded. He had so many unanswered questions, but he should be the one answering questions.

"Please." He avoided his gaze.

He respected Freminet's wishes and left. He went off to find Yunjin, he owed her an explanation.

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