Family gathering

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After a long awkward ride in the aquabus, they finally arrived at the city.

"Lynette?" Freminet said. "And Charlotte?" His face changed once he saw Charlotte. "Oh no we need to go."

"What? Why? Charlotte is super nice! I don't know the cat lady but she seems nice too!" The cat lady he referred to was Lynette, Freminet's sister.
Gaming started walking towards them as he dragged Freminet to come with him.

"Oh, Freminet? Who's this with you?" Lynette asked.

"Hello! I'm Gaming." He introduced himself.

"Huh, I was not aware you knew Freminet." Charlotte said. "How do you two know each other?" She started bombarding questions at them.

"Alright Charlotte, this isn't an interview calm down." Lynette said as she sipped her tea. "Anyway, I'm Lynette, Freminet's sister." She noticed the confused look on Gaming's face. "I assume Freminet told you about his dearest sister." She shot a look at Freminet.

"Fremi, why didn't you tell me you had a sister!" Gaming asked as he looked at Freminet and put his hand on his shoulder.

Before Freminet could answer Charlotte had already begun asking more questions.
"Soooo, are you guys like a thing orr?"

Gaming and Freminet just looked at each other, none of them wanted to say they were just friends.

"Really Charlotte, if anything Lyney would be the one asking that question." Lynette gave Charlotte a look to leave them alone.

"Did I hear my name?"

"Well now you Jinxed it." Charlotte said.

"Woah! So many people I know, except you. What's your name?" Lyney asked wondering if this was the guy Freminet was thinking about the other day.

"Hello! I'm gaming. Are you by any chance Freminet's brother?"

"Yes! Glad to hear Freminet mentioned his favorite sibling." Lyney smiled, Lynette just gave him a side eye as she sipped her tea. "So brother, is this who you were thinking about the other day?"

"Okay I think we've had enough with this little family gathering. Gaming your dripping wet, maybe we should go change." He smiled softly and ran away with Gaming.

"Huh, I wonder what they were doing to be that wet." Lyney said.

Freminet and Gaming had finally gotten a decent distance away from them.

"Well, your siblings are really nice." Gaming said trying to ignore what Charlotte asked and what Lyney said.

"They can be a little too much sometimes," He was really embarrassed. "But I love them."

"I get that." Gaming smiled at Freminet in attempt to make him feel less embarrassed.

"Weren't you complaining about how you were gonna freeze like 10 minutes ago?" Gaming's clothes were almost dry at this point.

"Oh, true." He'd forgotten his clothes were wet. "You should come to the hotel with me! We could eat something. I'm really hungry, and their food is soooo good!" He didn't even let Freminet decide before he grabbed his hand and started running to the hotel.

At the hotel

Gaming had been holding Freminet's hand the whole way to the hotel. Once they finally reached the door to Gaming's room Freminet stopped.

"Huh, why'd you stop walking?" Gaming was still holding Freminet's hand.

"Oh, do you want me to go in with you..?" He looked flustered at the thought of being alone with Gaming in a hotel room.

"I didn't think about it that way..." Gaming began to wonder if he had made Freminet uncomfortable.
"Well you don't have to..." He let go of Freminet's hand.

Freminet let his shyness aside for a second and grabbed Gaming's hand then pulled him inside the room.

"Okay there's no way they're just friends." Lyney said as he grabbed Lynette's tea.

"You better not." Lynette was ready to snatch back her cup of tea.

He took a sip of her tea.
"Oh but I did." He put the cup down and started running away from Lynette.

"Lyney come here!" She chased after him.

"Ooo this is definitely news worthy!" Charlotte started running after them as she took pictures.

*Im sorry if a lot of these chapters are kinda short I try to get to a good stopping point for the next chapter since I don't want it to like end up being more than 1,000 words 😓 but lmk if yall would be okay with longer chapters, they would take longer to write so that would mean i wouldn't update as often*

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