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Freminet felt embarrassed after grabbing Gaming's hand, so he let go. He couldn't help but feel awkward now, especially being in a room alone with him. He also didn't wanna be rude by sitting on his bed, so he sat on the floor.

"You can sit on the bed you know... There's also a chair right there." Gaming said as he watched Freminet sit on the floor.

"No thank you, the floor is very comfortable." It'd be even more embarrassing to get up now.

Gaming shrugged and started undressing.

"Oh my archons, does he have to do that here? There's a bathroom right there.."
If he had Pers with him he would use him to cover his eyes, but he didn't. So he just covered his eyes with his hands.

Gaming didn't think it'd be a big deal to change infront of him, he sure hoped it wasn't to Freminet.
"You can open your eyes now!" He said with a laugh.

Freminet slowly put his hands down and opened his eyes to find Gaming wearing a new set of clothes. He didn't know what to say, so he stayed quiet.

"Well are you gonna stay in the floor? Come on let's watch a movie, I already ordered the pizza!" Gaming grabbed Freminet's hand and lifted him up from the floor.

"Oh, are you sure? It's kind of late. My siblings and Father must be worried, I should-" Before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted by a knock at the door. Gaming got up to open the door.

"Room service! I have the pizza you ordered."

"Lyney?" Freminet peeked to see who was at the door.

"Oh, Freminet! I didn't know you were staying the night with your," he cleared his throat before speaking again. "Friend."

"We're just gonna watch a movie. Don't worry, he'll be home by 12!" Gaming smiled and grabbed the pizza from Lyney. Lyney smiled back and Gaming closed the door.
"Well now your brother knows where you are!" He smiled, this time at Freminet.

Once again he struggled to find the right words to say, so he just gave him a soft smile. He was shy, but he knew Gaming. He usually wasn't shy with people he knew, so why was he so nervous with Gaming? It's not that he was too overwhelming, like Charlotte. He just made him feel like whatever he said wouldn't be half as amusing as to what he would. So he'd rather stay quiet, and he didn't mind being quiet. He only hoped Gaming didn't mind either.

The rest of the night they watched movies and laid next to each other while eating pizza and popcorn. They'd occasionally touch hands while trying to grab food.
"Oh, i'm sorry." They would both say but not move their hands until a few seconds later. A strange sensation formed in their stomach, that being "butterflies." But they had no idea what butterflies in their stomach felt like, so they couldn't put a name to it. Most importantly, they were both unaware of what they were feeling, and that the other was feeling the same too.
By 11:30 they were both half asleep, but Gaming insisted on walking Freminet home to make sure he got home safely, and he did so.

"Goodnight!" Gaming said.

"Goodnight." Freminet's voice echoed in the dark of the night.

They smiled at each other and parted ways.

*I feel like this should've been part of the last chapter but again, I didn't wanna make it too long sooo*

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