"There's no way"

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Freminet laid on his bed thinking about that feeling he had in his stomach. He'd never felt something like that before, so then why did he feel it when their hands touched? They've held hands before, why didn't he get that feeling then? Freminet didn't know what he was feeling, Gaming was just a friend. Maybe this was normal, after all, he didn't have many friends.
"Lynette," he opened the door to Lynette's room. "Can we talk?"

"Ohh! Is this about that boy? I've been waiting for this moment." Lyney said as he laid on the floor.

"I think he was talking to me Lyney, anyway sure." Lynette signaled him to come in and sit down. "Ignore Lyney he's just being, uhm, Lyney."

"Well uh, do you ever get like this weird feeling in your stomach when you're with someone?" Freminet avoided her eyes and just looked down at Pers.

"Someone like Charlotte perhaps?" Lyney teased Lynette.

"Whatever. That feeling you're talking about, is it like butterflies?" She looked at Freminet, wondering if her little brother was in love.

"Butterflies?" He looked confused.

"Yes, you usually get them when you like that someone. Lynette should know!" Lyney smirked.

"You're so annoying, but yes. Do you feel that whenever you're around Gaming?"

Freminet stayed silent, he just looked at Lyney then Lynette.
"There's no way I like him..."

*Lets pretend they have phones for the next part 🙏*

Back at the hotel room Gaming laid on his bed and wished he was still with Freminet. Did he... like Freminet? Perhaps that explains what he felt when their hands touched. But he still wasn't sure, maybe he should ask someone about.
He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.
"Aunty Xianyun?"

"Yes, hello?" A female voice came from the other line.

"You've lived for a quite a while now, surely you could help me out with this." He wasn't too sure of how to start off. "I met this boy, we became friends. But I think I might like him as more than a friend..."

"Oh, Is that so? Well why do you think so?"

"I mean, I think about him in ways I would never about my other friend. Like his appearance, his voice, and just him in general. He's almost perfect Aunty Xianyun. No, he is perfect." He could go on for hours.

"By the way you speak of him one thinks you're in love." Xianyun was always very wise, surely she was right.

"Maybe... I just feel so nervous around him." Which was odd for Gaming, he was always great with people. They could hardly make him feel nervous, yet Freminet did. "But not a bad nervous. I could talk to him for hours, and he always listens to me talk. I like that, I think he likes to hear me talk too."

"Alright Gaming, was that it? One would love to hear you talk about this crush of yours, but it's 1 AM. One needs one's beauty sleep." She sounded sleepy.

"Oh, right. Sorry Aunty Xianyun! Goodnight!" He hung up hoping he hadn't annoyed Xianyun too much. But at least he got his answer, he did indeed like Freminet. Who wouldn't? He was amazing, and stunning. Gaming stayed up thinking about Freminet, was he really in love with him? He didn't mind having a crush on a boy nor Freminet, but there's no way they could ever work out. "There's no way we could happen. He lives in Fontaine, I live in Liyue. And there's no way he even thinks about me that way. Maybe if I ignore my feelings they'll go away." He kept telling himself.
"We probably won't see each other after I leave Fontaine, there's no point in trying. I should just make the best of our friendship while i'm here. We're only meeting once more, I'd hate to ruin everything before I leave."
The feelings had barely developed anyway, good thing he could stop them from developing any more. He would only end up more hurt if he fell for Freminet any more. Maybe they'll meet again, maybe then they could be more than friends.

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