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Just as Freminet and Gaming were about to have their first kiss together, a little girls voice interrupted them.

"Uhm, Dr. Baizhu wants you to go back inside... And rest." Her voice sounded sleepy.

Freminet's face went red, he had almost forgotten where he was. He was so lost in Gaming's eyes, that for a second, he'd forgotten they weren't the only people in the world.

"Oh, Qiqi." Gaming was startled after hearing her voice. "I'll get him inside..." He stuttered out of embarrassment.

Gaming helped Freminet get back inside. They both still were extremely flustered, and it didn't help that Gaming's arm was around Freminet's chest, and Freminet's arm was around Gaming's shoulder. He would've held Freminet's waist, that would've been less awkward or weird. But the wounds were there, so he had to hold him above his waist. Freminet could've easily walked back to the room by himself, but Gaming insisted in assisting him.

Once they were back inside the room, Dr. Baizhu walked in.
"Freminet, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Uhm, definitely better than I did last night." Freminet replied. His arm was still around Gaming's shoulder.

"Very well then. I assume you're free to go home, but I would advise you to take it easy for now." Baizhu said while looking at a notepad he held.

Freminet smiled before waving at Baizhu, and walking out the door. Gaming did the same, and he followed behind Freminet.

Gaming had no clue where they were going, so he just followed Freminet. He tried asking him where they were going, but Freminet kept quiet. Gaming had begun to think Freminet was mad at him. He pleaded, but still not reply. That is until they arrived at the spot where Freminet had been attacked.

"Uh, what are we doing here?" Gaming asked while looking around.

Freminet just picked up his claymore, struggling to hold it since he was still very weak.

"Here, I can carry it." Gaming grabbed the claymore from Freminet's hands.

Freminet looked a little upset at his actions, but he knew Gaming was just trying to help.

"I'm sorry, Freminet, but I can't risk you getting hurt. Now please, can you tell me what we're doing here?" He was concerned for Freminet.

"I need to help Lyney and Lynnette." He muttered, ignoring Gaming's gaze. He looked around for any clues of who those men were.

"Freminet." He said calmly, but Freminet didn't even turn to look at him. "Freminet." He repeated. "FREMINET!" This time he yelled, and grabbed Freminet, forcing him to look at him. "You're in no position to be helping them. Dr. Baizhu specifically said you should rest. You're not fully healed, I can't risk you getting hurt again," His voice softened. "Or worse..."

Freminet just stared at him. He tried to get away from his grip, and was successful.

"Don't be like that..." He said as Freminet walked away.

"I'm not a child you need to protect." He continued walking.

"I'm just worried for you, and so are your siblings. I don't care whatever this fatui mission is, I can't risk you getting hurt." He dropped Freminet's claymore, and ran after him. "You have to understand where i'm coming from. It's not that I think you're too weak to handle whatever that mission is, but it's because I don't know what'd I do if you were to get more injured than you already are. Freminet, you got stabbed multiple times just a few days ago, do you really wanna risk that again?" He grabbed his arm again, but this time he held him more gently.

"Whatever." Every word that Gaming had just said fell on deaf ears.

"I'm begging you to hear my words. I don't wanna loose you again." He hugged him tightly. "I love you, Freminet, do you?" He whispered in his ear as they hugged.

"I do, I really do love you, Gaming." He whispered back.

"Then promise me you will consider my words before choosing to risk your life while in such vulnerable state. I may not know what these missions are all about, but judging off your siblings concerns, proceeding with them while or wounded is not the smartest choice." He stopped hugging him, but he still held him. He just stared right into his eyes. "I cannot force you to make the right choice. All I ask of you is to take my words into consideration."

"There's no need, i've made my choice." He smiled at the thought of being so deeply cared for. "I'll listen to you, and Dr. Baizhu, and Lyney, and Lynette." Perhaps until then he had never realized that all this time the people he thought that thought of him as useless and weak, were only concerned for him, because they cared for him.

Gaming smiled upon hearing this, and he leaned in closer to Freminet.

Their faces were just centimeters away from each other, just like before, and this time, there was no one around to interrupt them. Freminet was feeling bold, so he pulled Gaming closer to him. One thing led to another, and at last, their lips met. It was a soft encounter, and their movements were gentle. Freminet's mind was filled with even more romantic thoughts about Gaming, including how soft his lips felt on his. He initially had his hands wrapped around his neck, but as they continued kissing one of his hands shifted to playing with his hair. As for Gaming, he held Freminet's waist carefully, trying not to touch his wounds. It was like a dream come true.

After what seemed like a never ending dream, their lips finally separated, and their first kiss had come to an end. Both too flustered to utter a word, they stared at each other. Freminet finally broke the eye contact, and he laid his head on Gaming's shoulder.

"I like you." He stuttered, and took a long breath before speaking again. "As more than a friend." He said, as if it wasn't obvious already.

"I would hope so." Gaming said with a laugh.

He felt his cheeks go red after hearing Gaming say that.
"Oh, well do you think we could be more than friends?" He lifted his head up to looked at him.

"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" He teased him.

Freminet didn't say anything. He just laid his head on Gaming's shoulder again.

Gaming chuckled again, he got his answer.

"Can i?" Freminet mumbled, he still wasn't sure of what they were. "Can i be your boyfriend?" He repeated.

Gaming looked at Freminet laying on his shoulder. He gently kissed his forehead before answering.
"Yes, of course, Fremi."

*It's been a bit since my last update, but at last, i've wrote another chapter 🙏 Only 4 days but still feels like forever since I sat down to write anyhow this feels a little rushed like their whole relationship but whatevsss I hope it was sentimental enough :)*

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