A reunion(?)

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The past two months went by quickly, and soon enough they were ready to go to Liyue. The three siblings waited for the aquabus to arrive. Freminet was visibly nervous, he was scared to go to Liyue. After so long of not seeing each other, surely it would be awkward the first time they reunited. His mind was on Gaming, so much so that he'd almost forgotten why they were going to Liyue. He tried his best to focus on their mission, but his mind was filled with thoughts about Gaming.

"Freminet, stop zoning out! The aquabus is here, you wouldn't wanna miss it." Lyney said as he boarded the aquabus.

"Oh, right." Freminet snapped back to reality. He followed behind Lynette and boarded the aquabus.

"Oh, that's a lot of luggage! Are you guys going on vacation?" The melusine in the aquabus asked.

"Something like that." Lyney replied. Him and the Melusine continued talking; Freminet and Lynette just looked at each other.

Lynette stared at Freminet for a couple of seconds before speaking, almost as if she was guessing what he may say in response to her words. Not many people know this about her, but if you are around Lynette for long enough, you might notice her staring at you before speaking. And if you're smart enough, you could guess what she's thinking through her eyes.
"Are you thinking of Gaming?" Lynette had noticed how unfocused Freminet was.

"Maybe..." He mumbled, too ashamed to admit she was right; she always was.

Lynette smiled at him, she was truly happy for her little brother.
"He hasn't left your mind ever since he left, has he?" She took a bite out of a croissant she had packed for the trip.

Freminet only nodded. It was almost as if Lynette could read his mind, how could she word his thoughts so perfectly?

The rest of the trip went smoothly, and the scenery was pleasant. Certainly pleasant enough to calm Freminet's nerves away.

"Uhm, where are we...?" Lyney asked.

"Chenyu Vale, we were here last year..." Lynette replied with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh, well I don't remember that." Lyney shrugged and kept walking.

The walk from Chenyu vale to Liyue Harbor was rather lengthy, by the time they arrived at Liyue Harbor it was already dark out. The pale moonlight reminded Freminet of one thing, the day Gaming left. That day the moon was shining just as brightly as tonight.
As soon as they arrived at their hotel, Lyney and Lynette fell asleep. Freminet, on the other hand, he couldn't sleep at all. He was just as nervous as before, but what was there to be nervous about? He wasn't too sure of that himself. Usually, when he felt lost he'd go diving, but he couldn't do that in Liyue.
"I could just go for a walk. It may not be as effective as diving, but it's still something." And so he did. He quietly sneaked out of his room and out the hotel, hoping to not wake up Lyney or Lynette. It was dark outside, and not a single soul was in sight. The moon shined as brightly as the sun ever has, and each star highlighted the moon's glow. Freminet walked down the barely illuminated streets of Liyue. For the most part these streets were empty, except for two dark silhouettes standing by what seemed to be a tea house. Freminet's curiosity got the better of him, so he slowly approached the two people. As he got closer their figures and faces became clearer, one was a woman, and the other a man. And only a few feet away from them did Freminet realize that the two silhouettes were Gaming and a young woman. His look completely changed upon seeing this, surely it wasn't a date, but his mind kept telling him otherwise. Was this jealousy that filled him?

*I wrote like a lot of this at school lmao so if it's not amazing that's why 🙏*

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