A new mission

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It had been almost a year since Freminet and Gaming saw each other for the last time. Freminet hadn't forgotten about Gaming at all ever since he left, the feeling just became normal as the months passed. But that didn't mean he didn't miss him half as much as when he first ever laid eyes on him. He tried his best to listen to his words and to not dwell on it, but it was almost impossible. He was haunted by his touch every second of the day. Everyone told him that as time passed, he'd eventually forget about him and those feelings. But the feeling did not go away, not even after a year of missing him. And he did all that grieving for a boy he had just met, but that boy managed to get to know him better than anyone else ever did.

"Fremi, it's been months since you've talked about that boy. Have you heard of him since?" Lyney asked while they ran away from some treasure hoarders.

"Oh, no I haven't..." Freminet tried running faster in attempt to escape his brother.

"Well that's a shame," Lyney quickly grabbed his bow and arrow and shot one of the treasure hoarders. "Maybe we could go back to Liyue one day."

"Are you serious?" He stopped running.

"I mean i'm sure 'Father' wouldn't mind us taking a little vacation." He shot another treasure hoarder that was just about to catch up with them.

"Uh, depends."

"True, she might not let you go just to see your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend...?!" He struggled to say the word. "He's not my boyfriend!"

"Technically, he is your boy friend." He made sure to separate boy and friend. "Well anyway i'm sure 'Father' could assign us a mission in Liyue."

"We do get missions in different nations sometimes..." He thought about it for a moment. "But that's rare, is it not?"

"Oh, stop overthinking it ,brother."

They continued running for a few more minutes until meeting with Lynette. They handed her a small box the treasure hoarders had. This was one of their "missions," their missions were never the same. In this case, they had to retrieve that small box and return it to "Father." Each mission was unique and a bit different from the others, so it wasn't too strange to be stealing such a small item. Therefore no one ever questioned the contents inside such small box, they just gave it back to "Father." After they completed the mission "Father" called them inside her office.

"Hello 'Father.'" Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet said in unison.

"Children, I have an important mission for you three. And as my most trusted agents, I assume this won't be too much of a trouble for you three." She spoke with a sinister yet calm voice, but that was how "Father" always speaker. "I need you three to go to Liyue-" Father continued explaining this mission they were assigned. "Start preparing, you'll be leaving in two months. And don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to socialize," Arlecchino grinned. "As long as the goal is achieved." Her tone changed to more sinister than calm.

As soon as Liyue was mentioned Lyney looked at Freminet. It's almost as if fate was with Freminet, they were going to Liyue in a month.

"Yes, 'Father.'" They all smiled.
Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet all hurried out of her office, shutting the door behind them.

"Freminet, did you hear that?" He had a blank stare on his face. "WERE GOING TO LIYUE!" His expression changed to a more lively one, and his voice was loud enough for "Father" to hear him.

"Shh, quiet down." Lynette shushed Lyney, and put her hand over his mouth. "Did you just lick me?" Lynette was now the one with the blank stare.

"Uh, anyway, we're going to Liyue!" Freminet celebrated quietly, but he was met with no expression from Lynette. "That's where Gaming lives." He reminded her.

"Oh, right." She barely smiled, but she was very obviously happy for her brother.

"What did I tell you, brother. 'Father' could assign us a mission in Liyue." He quoted himself. "And she did! Huh, maybe I should be, not only a magician, but also a fortune teller! Oh, this is amazing! I'm a genius!"Lyney continued talking to himself about the bright idea he just had.

"Sure, Lyney... Anyway, you can finally see him again in one month!" Lynette was happy Freminet and Gaming could finally reunite. She couldn't bear seeing her little brother miss Gaming more and more as the months went by. After such long wait, they could finally see each other again.

In that moment Freminet's cries were heard, and they were to no longer be made.

*This chapter feels kind of rushed, and I feel like I could've really gone more in depth about Fremi's feelings. But that would be too long of a chapter, and I could barely even write this one.But overall I was just really unmotivated to write. Btw! Idk how often i'll be able to update from now on cs of school since it makes me so unmotivated, but whatever. Hope this is a decent chapter!!! (Hope it at least kinda makes sense.*

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