She's right!

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It had only been a few weeks since Gaming went back to Liyue, but Freminet already missed him like crazy. He'd usually attend his siblings magic shows and support them, but lately he doesn't feel like it.

Lyney creaked Freminet's door open.
"Fremi, are you coming?" He asked.

"I think i'll have to pass again..." He laid on his bed and started at the ceiling.

"Again?! What's gotten into you these days?"

"Lyney, leave him alone." She pushed Lyney out of the way. "You can't say in this room forever. Im sure he misses you too, but it's only been a few weeks, brother. Are you gonna stay like this until you meet again?"

Freminet shook his head slowly.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"Lyney shoved Lynette out of the way and pulled Freminet out of his room.

Lyney had arranged to do a magic show at the Opera Epiclese, again. They usually just performed at smaller places, and only a few times at the Opera Epiclese. When they did perform there usually a lot more people went. Freminet wouldn't mind that much, as long as nobody tried to approach him or talk to him he'd be fine. Once the shows were over he'd go backstage and look for his siblings, it was much better than going out while everyone else was. This would be like any other magic show.
And so they arrived at the Opera Epiclese. They always arrived a bit earlier since they had to set up. During this time Freminet helped them set up, and even sometimes helped Lyney and Lynette with their makeup and hair.

"Hey! You got hairspray in my mouth." Lyney complained.

"Maybe you should close your mouth." One of the guys backstage said.

"Excuse you?!" Lyney turned around to look at him.

"Lyney, could you stop complaining? I still need to use the hairspray." Lynette rolled her eyes.

"Well aren't you glad you came Freminet?" Lyney ignored Lynette.

Freminet smiled and sprayed the hairspray again.

"Again?!" Lyney spit out hairspray.

"You just spit on me." Lynette side eyed Lyney.

The magic show started a few minutes after that, and Freminet went to sit down in one of the seats. There was lots of people watching. This reminded Freminet of the first time they really met, and how he ran away as soon as he saw him. Thinking about it made him sad, but lynette was right. He couldn't stay like this forever, he had to move on.
"Lynette's right, I can't stay like this forever. If it's meant to be we'll meet again, but until then I shouldn't dwell on it."
But this didn't mean he still wouldn't miss Gaming like a puppy who's owner has gone off to work. Thinking about the next time they would meet made him smile, and even knowing it might be a while until then he still smiled. Freminet had gotten lost in his thoughts and totally had forgotten about the magic show. By the time he cleared his mind the show was over already and people were leaving.

"Brother, where were you?" Lynette asked.

"Yeah, you weren't backstage." Lyney added.

"Thank you, Lynette. You were right!" Freminet jumped from his chair and hugged her tightly.

"Oh, you're welcome?" She sounded unsure, why was Freminet thanking her?

"Hey, where's my hug at?" Lyney snatched Freminet from Lynette's arms and hugged him.

*Anyway this chapter was a bit shorter than I would've liked it to be, but I didn't really know how else to show Fremi "moving on." There's not really much to write about atp, or that I can think of writting. Can't wait to make them meet again 😜*

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