Cry me a river

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But unfortunately, Freminet was right. It was a date, there was no denying that.

"Freminet...?" Gaming let go of the girls hand.

Freminet froze in place. He wanted to scream or at least say something, but at the same time not. Even if he tried, he couldn't speak.

The young lady Gaming was with finally broke the silence.
"Gaming," she looked at him and grabbed his hand. "Would you mind introducing me to your friend?" She glanced at Freminet.

"Oh, right! This is Freminet, I met him just about a year ago in Fontaine." He awkwardly smiled before introducing the girl. "Freminet, this is Yunjin," he hesitated to speak again. "My girlfriend."

"Your girlfriend...?" Freminet muttered under his breath. "You have a lady, how great...!" He tried to sound happy for him, but he really wasn't. And suddenly his mind lit up with an idea. "I'm also seeing someone." He blurted out. He really wasn't, but Gaming didn't know that.

"Oh, really? Who's the lucky lady?" Gaming seemed confused, but mostly he looked... Disappointed. But how was that fair? He had a girlfriend, Freminet could too.

"Uh... Charlotte!" He tried to seem confident in his response.

"Oh! Is that the girl from the Steambird? I see her name on a bunch of articles." Yunjin asked, she looked relieved to know Freminet too was with someone.

Freminet nodded rapidly.

"Charlotte? I thought she was with Lynette." Gaming looked even more confused than before.

"What?" Freminet said in hopes Gaming had realized he "misinterpreted" Lynette's and Charlottes relationship when he was in Fontaine.
It got dead silent after that.
"Anyways, it's really late I should go..." Freminet ran away from them.

Gaming and Yunjin just looked at each other and shrugged, though that's not how Gaming really felt. He had so many questions to ask Freminet, why was he in Liyue? When did him and Charlotte become a thing? How did that even happen? Freminet too had lots of questions, but not only for Gaming. Why was Gaming with Yunjin? But most importantly, why did he care?

Freminet didn't stop running until he was, wait, where was he? He looked at his surroundings, but all he was met with was darkness. A single tear ran down his cheek.
"I should've just stayed in my room..."
A tear turned into multiple, and in a matter of seconds, Freminet was holding his face and sobbing. Not only did he cry because he was lost, but because the one person he truly loved was stolen from him. For so many years he always felt like the second option, he thought he'd never be anyone's first choice. Lyney and Lynette had each other, Freminet was always just there, and that's how he always felt. But with Gaming he felt loved, truly loved. He thought that for once, he wasn't only a backup. This whole time he had been waiting for Gaming to come back, and he probably never once crossed Gaming's mind since he left. His muffled sobbing progressed to cries for help and angry screams.

Through all his cries and screams Freminet heard a branch break. He gripped his claymore by his side
"Who's there?!" His voice was shaky and you could tell he had been crying.

3 tall and bulky men appeared from the darkness, they seemed to be body guards of some sort. The man in the middle was much bigger, and looked much stronger than the others. Compared to Freminet they were giants.

"Stay back!" Freminet yelled, this time his voice was more confident.

"I'm not scared of a crybaby." One of the men said, his voice was grasp and intimidating. "I didn't know the Fatui were such wimps." He laughed and looked at the other two men. They all laughed with him.

He approached Freminet, and the other two followed behind him as they gripped the knives they were holding. Freminet swang his claymore at the guy who approached him. One of the men holding a knife stabbed his abdomen as he swang his claymore, and the other guy with a knife stabbed him as well in his other side. Freminet groaned in pain as they kept stabbing him. He dropped his claymore halfway through the swing due to the multiple stab wounds he received. His body collapsed into the ground, but he still reached for his claymore to try and fight back. And just before it could get any worse Gaming swang his claymore at one of the men stabbing Freminet, he fell onto the ground after being hit. This gave Freminet a chance to breath, and he took this opportunity to grab his claymore and get up. With the help of Gaming they took down the other two men. As Freminet's claymore hit the bigger man one last time Freminet collapsed into the floor once again, but this time he lost consciousness.

* I wrote this instead of doing my hw 😨 but dw guys Freminet will be okay!*

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