chapter 1 ( The night of change )

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Aarya pov....

As I found myself in the bustling club with my stepsister Priya, It was clear she had dragged me here against my will, and despite my protests, I found myself reluctantly following her into the loud, dimly lit space.
Priya wasted no time in handing me a glass of beer, assuming I would enjoy myself once I had a drink in hand. Being a seasoned drinker, I accepted it graciously, sipping on the frothy brew as I scanned the raucous crowd around us.
To my surprise, after just a few sips, I felt an unexpected wave of dizziness wash over me. Confusion set in as I struggled to maintain my balance, my stepsister's amused expression the last thing I saw before I stumbled away from her towards the reception area of the club.
The lights seemed to blur together as I made my way through the throngs of people, my head spinning with each step. Just as I reached the reception desk, a sudden jolt sent me crashing into someone, sending their drink flying.
"Sorry, sorry," I slurred, my words tumbling over each other as I struggled to steady myself. Ignoring the bewildered look on the person's face, I mumbled an apology once more before turning my attention back to the receptionist.

 Ignoring the bewildered look on the person's face, I mumbled an apology once more before turning my attention back to the receptionist

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( Aarya's outfit )


Managing to book a room with great difficulty due to my intoxicated state, I grabbed the key and made a hasty exit, eager to escape the chaos of the club. Priya's laughter echoed in my ears as I stumbled towards the elevator, the cool air of the hotel lobby providing some semblance of clarity amidst the fog of alcohol-induced haze.
Finally reaching my room, I collapsed onto the bed with a weary sigh, vowing never to let Priya coerce me into another night out like this one. As sleep claimed me, the events of the evening melted into a vague memory, a cautionary tale of the dangers of giving in to peer pressure, especially when it involved a glass of beer and a mischievous stepsister.


Author pov......

Aahan walked through the club, feeling slightly unsettled after his encounter with the mysterious girl who had bumped into him and also dropped her phone.As he reached his friends, Rohan approached him with an apologetic expression.
Rohan said with a sheepish chuckle, "Bro, I know it was a bad move, but I had to dare you to drink. I'll make it up to you by arranging a room in this hotel for you."
Aahan raised an eyebrow, confusion clouding his features. "Wait, you were going to drug me?" he asked incredulously, his voice tinged with disbelief.
Rohan quickly explained, "I know, I know, it was dumb. Just take this room key and get some rest, alright?"
Accepting the key, aahan aspects the key cause he thought he hadn't had a peaceful sleep since a long time so if is gets drug then atleast he can have a nice sleep , Aahan turned to head to his room when he accidentally collided with an older man who seemed to be a manager at the club. Keys clattered to the floor, and as Aahan bent down to pick one up, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over him since he entered the club.

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