chapter 8

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Hii cuties,

it's your lovely author here. First of all, I want to apologize for the delay in posting this chapter. My exams were taking up most of my time, but now they're finally over. I know I should have posted sooner, but I promise to make it up to you all. I'll do my best to post another chapter before 7 April.

I hope you all can forgive me and continue to support this story. Your votes and comments mean the world to me, so please don't forget to leave them. Thanks for being understanding, and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

See you again soon!

By author 💗

1650+ words

Aarya stood in front of the mirror, her reflection looking back at her, the pale glow of her face illuminated by the soft light of the dressing room. She adjusted the neckline of her dress, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension as she got ready to attend the reception of her stepsister and ex-fiancé. It was a strange twist of fate that their paths would cross in such a way, but Aarya was determined not to let it affect her composure.

 It was a strange twist of fate that their paths would cross in such a way, but Aarya was determined not to let it affect her composure

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(Aarya's outfit)

Instead of sneaking out as she had done countless times before, Aarya decided to walk out the front door. But to her surprise, the door to her room was locked. Panic fluttered in her chest momentarily until she remembered the kind maid who had offered to help her earlier. With a sense of relief, Aarya found the door already ajar, a silent invitation to escape.


As she prepared to leave, her phone rang, and seeing Aahan's name flashing on the screen sent a jolt of adrenaline through her veins. She answered quickly, his voice cutting through the tension, "I'm in front of your house." Aarya's heart raced as she replied, "I'm coming, wait for me," before abruptly ending the call. Without a second thought, she grabbed her phone, a pendrive with important documents, and her luggage, determined that this chapter of her life was closing for good


Approaching the gate, Aarya remembered the guards who had strict orders to prevent her departure. Knowing the consequences if caught, she opted for the back door, sneaking away to meet Aahan.


Aahan greeted her with a warm smile, taking her belongings and placing them in the car trunk. He opened the passenger door, gesturing for Aarya to sit. As he settled into the driver's seat, the engine roared to life, signifying their escape from the confines of her past.


Driving away from the imposing gates of her home, Aarya felt a mix of emotions - relief, anticipation, and a newfound sense of freedom. The sprawling landscapes outside the car window seemed to beckon her towards a new beginning, away from the shadows of her past relationships.

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