chapter 14

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Aarya's peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by a sliver of sunlight peeking through the curtains, casting a warm glow into the room. Grumbling, she shifted on the bed, reaching out for her pillow to shield her eyes from the unwelcome light. But her hand didn't meet the softness she expected; instead, it landed on something hard and unyielding like a rock.

Confused, she furrowed her brow and realized there was something heavy resting on her waist, pinning her down. With a mix of surprise and curiosity, she cautiously opened one eye, only to find herself facing a broad, muscular chest-not a pillow as she initially thought. As she blinked, trying to make sense of it, she lifted her head slightly to see the face that belonged to the chest.

It was Aahan, lying next to her, his features relaxed in sleep. As her memories flooded back, she recalled the events of the previous night vividly.


The evening had started innocently enough with a cozy dinner shared between Aarya and Aahan. But as they finished their meal, Aahan surprised her by sweeping her off her feet, quite literally, in a bridal-style carry. Aarya protested, her words laced with a mix of confusion and excitement.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked, her voice tinged with both amusement and curiosity.

"To my room," Aahan responded casually, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"We always cuddle each other while sleeping. Tonight, let's change the location, shall we?"

Aarya couldn't find words to respond. She was taken aback by Aahan's boldness, his unexpected charm throwing her off guard. Before she could gather her thoughts, Aahan's deep voice cut through the air.

"Baby, don't overthink it. It's not like it's the first time, right?" His words hung in the air, setting a palpable tension between them.

Upon reaching the bedroom, Aahan gently laid Aarya down on the bed, his touch eliciting a shiver down her spine. Unconsciously, she bit her lower lip, her gaze shifting downward, unsure of how to navigate this newfound intimacy.

Aahan's low voice brought her back to the present moment.

"S-stop biting your lip," Aahan's deep voice commanded,

his gaze fixed on her in a way that made Aarya's heart race.

With her lips partly parted, Aarya's eyes met Aahan's, and in that vulnerable moment, Aahan's self-control wavered.

He moved closer, positioning himself in front of her on the bed, his lips meeting hers in a fleeting but intense kiss.

Breaking away from the sudden surge of emotions, Aahan's voice was the first to cut through the charged silence.

"Let's get some sleep, shall we?"

Only one kiss shared, but it spoke volumes of unspoken desire and lingering emotions as they settled into the night, finding solace in each other's embrace.


In the present morning light, Aarya lay beside Aahan, their bodies entwined and her minds still reeling from the previous night's unexpected turn of events. The warmth of his chest beneath her, the weight of his arm around her waist

As she remembered her crucial meeting with a client, a sense of urgency washed over her, prompting her to gently extricate herself from his embrace.

Quietly sliding out of bed, she tiptoed towards the bedroom door, her mind preoccupied with the impending responsibilities of the day. However, before she could make her escape, she felt a strong pair of arms envelop her, lifting her effortlessly and placing her on a small closet where he kept his files. The unexpected action left her suspended a few feet above the ground, her eyes meeting his sleepy gaze.

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