Chapter 7

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As the clock struck 11:30 at night, the cool breeze played with strands of my hair on the terrace of the hotel I owned. Aarya and I had left the bustling streets behind only a while ago, seeking solace atop the quiet rooftop. Aarya had been quietly craving a late-night snack, leading us to this very hotel known for its top-floor restaurant and breathtaking terrace view.


Sitting on the plush couch, I could see the city lights twinkling below, their glow casting a soft ambiance over us. Aarya sat beside me, her eyes gleaming with contentment as she dug into a plate of crispy fried chicken with beer, I also had some. The aroma of the savory dish blended with the cool night air, creating a comforting atmosphere that enveloped us.


Aahan took a deep breath, breaking the peaceful silence. "After tomorrow, what is ur plan?" he asked,


Aarya turned to him, a soft smile playing on her lips as she twirled a forkful of pasta. "I'm going to live with Sonali," she replied, her voice tinged with determination. "My stepmother, stepsister, and father, they all know my friends accept her."


The conversation shifted, and they chatted about the mesmerizing view before them. Aarya's hand found its way to Aahan's, interlocking their fingers. With her head resting on his shoulder, she closed her eyes, seeking solace in his comforting presence. Aahan couldn't shake off the wave of sadness that washed over him, prompting him to inquire, "It's much better, your habit, right?"


Aarya's reply, however, was unexpected. "No, it's not," she admitted, her voice soft but resolute.


Confusion clouded Aahan's expression as he probed, "But you had a fiance, right?"


"That so-called my ex-fiance, he didn't like too much physical touches," Aarya confessed, her voice carrying a tone of resignation. Aahan, taken aback, echoed, "What?"


Aarya took a moment to collect her thoughts before continuing, "I dated him since our school days. Everything seemed perfect at the beginning. But as years passed, he started to distance himself from me. It was always me making the first move. We never cuddled, never spent nights together. And then, on the night of our engagement, I caught him with my stepsister, making out."


Aahan's expression shifted to one of empathy as he listened intently to Aarya's heartbreaking revelation. Aarya went on, her voice steady despite the pain in her words, "After that incident, whenever we went on dates, he insisted on my stepsister joining us, making me feel like a third wheel on my own dates. I had observed his behavior for ten long years, anticipating he would do something similar at our wedding. Surprisingly, nothing happened until the wedding was closed. But now I see the truth, and I am grateful for the independence and freedom that lies ahead."


And when she finished, he simply said, "u r very strong," planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. Aarya looked up at him, a soft smile playing on her lips, before closing her eyes as if seeking solace in the comforting gesture.


As Aahan returned to his work, his thoughts lingered on aarya's story. He couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness that had settled in his heart, knowing the pain that aarya had endured

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