chapter 4

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Ahaan had always been a reserved and seemingly cold person, keeping his emotions guarded behind a facade of indifference. But one fateful day, everything changed when he laid eyes on her for the first time in a cozy cafe. She sat there, engrossed in a book titled 'Twisted Love', a delicate blush adorning her cheeks as she sipped on her coffee. Ahaan felt a peculiar stirring in his chest, a sensation he had never experienced before – his heart skipped a beat, and for the first time, he found himself drawn to a girl in a way he had never been before.


Setting himself at an opposite table to get a clear view of her enchanting face, he tried to focus on his work but found himself distracted, unable to tear his eyes away from her. The minutes turned into an hour, and when she finally left the cafe, Ahaan felt a pang of disappointment. Determined to see her again, he made it a daily routine to visit the cafe, even if it meant canceling important meetings. However, she never showed up, leaving him longing for just another glimpse of her captivating presence.


Then, one unexpected evening, Ahaan spotted her in a club, exuding beauty and allure. But his joy turned to concern when he realized she was in a vulnerable state, clearly drugged. When a chance collision brought them face to face, his heart leaped in his chest at the sight of her up close. Despite the urge to follow her, he held back, not wanting to alarm her in her compromised state.


In a strange twist of fate, Ahaan's friend unknowingly drugged him and handed over a key, leading to a mix-up with another man in the club. As he opened the door to the room, shock washed over him as he found her inside, safe from the unwelcome advances of the other man. Unexpectedly, their encounter took an intimate turn that neither of them could have foreseen.


As their lives became entwined through this unexpected event, the gravity of his feelings for her deepened. Ahaan found himself contemplating a future with her, even considering presenting her to his family – confident that they would accept her wholeheartedly. However, a sobbing phone call shattered his illusions of safety and happiness, igniting a fierce protective instinct within him.


Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, the abrupt knock on the door brought Ahaan back to the present. His personal assistant entered with a file, unknowingly bringing the reality of their intertwined destinies to the forefront. As he glanced at the file containing her information, Ahaan's resolve solidified – he would do whatever it takes to protect her and ensure their shared future remained secure.

Aahan sat at his desk, engrossed in the file containing information that would change everything. His eyes widened as he read that her wedding to Rohan, the renowned businessman, was scheduled in just two days. The shock reverberated through him, mingled with confusion and disbelief.

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Aahan's personal assistant entered, holding out an elegant wedding invitation. Aahan's voice trembled as he inquired, "What is this?"

"It's a marriage invitation from Mr. Rohan," his PA responded. Aahan's mind raced as he asked, "Who is he marrying?"

"Daughter of Mr. Parsad, Priya Parsad," his PA replied. Aahan's confusion deepened, "But isn't Arya supposed to marry him?"

His PA revealed the unexpected truth: Arya and Rohan had been in love since their school days. A stunned silence hung in the room as Aahan processed the revelation. The pieces fell into place as he realized the reason behind Arya's tearful night before.

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