chapter 13

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After a week back at work, life felt hazy. Yet, watching movies with Aahan turned into a nightly ritual. As the film flickered on, my eyes grew heavy. Before I knew it, we'd be cuddled close on the couch, lost in dreams. Though unsure of tomorrow, those quiet moments became the brightest part of each day.

Every morning, the routine was the same  of aarya and Aahan. Aarya would wake up on the couch in the living room, greeted by the absence of Aahan, who must be in the gym maintaining his fitness. Without overthinking, aarya headed to freshen up before joining Aahan in the kitchen. She put her handbag on the dining table and caught sight of Aahan, shirtless as usual, preparing breakfast with a warm smile. They sat down, sharing a meal and conversation before setting off for their respective works.

 They sat down, sharing a meal and conversation before setting off for their respective works

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( Aarya's outfit )


At night
After arriving home at 4 PM, I slipped into my gym clothes and hit the gym for two hours. Then, I took my faithful companion, King, out for a refreshing hour-long jog. Returning at 7 PM, I enjoyed a relaxing shower. This routine, with King by my side, had become my daily bliss.


Aarya was in Aahan's room, as usual, browsing through his clothes. Tonight, she decided to wear his shirt instead of just his t-shirt. It had become a nightly ritual for her. As she put it on, she realized it was too big and comfy, causing her shorts to get lost underneath the shirt. Looking in the mirror, she couldn't help but chuckle at how it seemed like she wasn't wearing any shorts at all.

As I cooked dinner, the king sat by my leg. His gentle presence comforted me. I once feared him, but now I felt safe and protected. The bond between us grew strong.

Aarya was finally done with cooking. She wiped her hands and leaned against the counter, listening for the familiar sound of the door opening. As expected, she soon heard it, followed by a soft, warm sensation wrapping around her waist. It was Aahan, her friend and occasional housemate.

His arms encircled her as he hugged her from behind, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Aarya felt a rush of emotions, her stomach twisting into a zoo of fluttering butterflies. The scent of alcohol wafted from him, making her curious.

"Did you drink?" Aarya inquired softly.

"Yes, a little," Aahan mumbled, still nuzzled against her.

"How many shots or cans?" she pressed gently.

"I didn't count... and I'm still completely in my right mind," Aahan assured her.

"Why the hug then?" Aarya questioned with a smile tugging at her lips.

"Because I missed your warmth... now, I’m off to sleep," Aahan replied, releasing her and heading towards his room. But Aarya, feeling something stir within her, grabbed his wrist before he could disappear.

"What do you want?" Aahan asked, turning to look at her.

"First, eat, then sleep," Aarya stated firmly.

Aahan hesitated, surprised by her assertiveness. Knowing he was of sound mind despite the alcohol, he silently took a seat at the dining table. Aarya served him without a word, planning to join him in eating when she was done. But before she could move, Aahan reached out and pulled her onto his lap, causing her cheeks to flush a deep crimson.

"Feed me, or I won’t eat," Aahan teased Playfully Her words caught her off guard, leaving her speechless. Aahan's playfulness was evident as he teasingly added, "Baby, feed me or I will sleep with an empty stomach."

The term 'baby' from Aahan made Aarya's heart race. She couldn't quite explain the flurry of emotions running through her at that moment. It was a strange mix of nervousness and delight. Ignoring her escalating feelings, Aarya hesitantly picked up a morsel and fed it to Aahan, their eyes locking for a brief moment before he swallowed the food.

Aahan's gaze softened slightly as he encouraged her to eat too. Aarya took another morsel hesitantly,

As they continued eating, a comfortable silence settled between them. Aarya observed Aahan more closely, noticing the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled and the faint dimple that appeared on his cheek. There was a warmth in his presence that made her feel at ease.

To be continued.........


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It's my imagination so don't take it seriously
Note - English is not my first language so plzz ignore my grammatical mistakes or any mistakes I have made in this chapter, I'm really sorry

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