chapter 9

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1850+ words


Aarya stood outside the venue, the lingering excitement of the day mingling with the cool evening air. She reached into her purse, retrieving a cigarette and lighting it with a flick of her lighter. As the smoke curled around her, a familiar figure approached from the shadows. It was Aahan,

He pulled out his own pack of cigarettes, lighting one and exhaling slowly. “How long have you been smoking?” he asked casually.

Aarya took a drag and exhaled, the smoke dancing in the dim light. “Five years now,” she replied, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

Aahan smiled, his eyes reflecting pride. “You did great today. I'm proud of you," he said, giving her a gentle pat on the head. Then, in between puffs of smoke, he asked, “Where were you planning to go now?”

Aarya hesitated, taking another drag. “With Sonali,” she said quietly.

Aahan's expression shifted, a hint of concern in his eyes. “I think you should stay with me,” he suggested.

Surprised, Aarya raised an eyebrow. “Why?” she inquired.

“I believe you'll be safer with me. I don't want you to get into trouble,” Aahan explained. “Your stepmother and stepsister might try to harm you because of today. I would feel more at ease knowing you're with me.”

Aarya pondered his words, the implications sinking in. “But…” she began, uncertain of his offer.

Aahan interrupted her gently, won't intrude on your privacy. I only want you to be protected. You can trust me."

As she mulled over his proposal, Aarya realized that he was right. The events of the day had stirred up tensions at home, and her safety was paramount. She knew deep down that her stepfamily might indeed cause trouble.

Suddenly, their moment was interrupted by the sound of three voices calling out, "Bhabhi." Aahan swiftly took the cigarettes from Aarya's hands, disposing of them in a nearby bin. Instead, he handed her a piece of candy, urging her to eat it. He too partook, masking the scent of cigarettes with the sweet flavor.

The voice was of none other than Aahan's brother and sisters { Nevan ( Aahan's brother)
Nadine ( Aahan's sister), Maya ( Aahan's cousin sister)  }
Thay appeared out of nowhere, their faces filled with excitement. They rushed towards Aarya and enveloped her in a warm hug. Nadine, beaming with joy, exclaimed, "Bhabhi, we finally met! I've been longing to see you for so long!"

In unison, Nevan and Maya echoed, "Same, same!" Their sudden display of affection caught Aarya off guard, but she couldn't help but be touched by their warmth. Aahan, with a gentle smile, introduced them to Aarya, "These are my brother Nevan, sister Nadine, and cousin Maya. And, dear, this is Aarya and now we are leaving,"

As Aahan led Aarya towards the car, Nevan's teasing voice broke the moment, "I never knew you could talk in such a soft tone, Bhai." Aahan shot him a playful glare before Maya chimed in, "Where are you off to with Bhabhi ?"

Aahan's expression turned solemn as he explained, "If you're all here, mom will soon follow, and I'd rather not have mom meet Aarya just yet. You know her first questions, so we're heading out." Nadine, with a pout, protested, "But Bhai, we want to talk to Bhabhi!"

Aahan's resolve remained firm as he gently refused, "Not today, maybe some other time." The trio of siblings pleaded in unison, "Bhai, please!" Aahan chuckled and shook his head, "You can chat with her another day. We really must go now. Bye!" With that, he tugged Aarya towards the car.

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