chapter 2

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Author pov........

.....Aahan woke up with a start, his eyes squinting against the bright sunlight that filtered through the curtains. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to the sudden light. As he opened his eyes fully, he saw a beautiful face staring back at him. It took him a moment to register that the girl lying next to him was the same mysterious girl he had spent the night with.


She was sleeping peacefully in his embrace, her face hidden in his chest. Aahan couldn't help but smile at the sight. He had no idea who she was  but he couldn't deny the strong connection he felt towards her.


He gazed at her for a few moments, taking in every detail of her face. She had soft features and long, dark hair that cascaded over her shoulders. Aahan couldn't resist the urge to brush a stray strand of hair away from her face.


But his peaceful moment was interrupted by a phone call. He reluctantly got up from the bed, making sure not to disturb the sleeping girl. He quickly put on his pants and answered the call. It was his personal assistant, reminding him of his busy schedule for the day.


After hanging up, Aahan realized that he had nothing to wear and his clothes were still at the hotel room so He called his assistant again and asked him to bring some clothes for him. He then went back to the bed and gently laid the girl down, making sure she was comfortable.


As he was about to leave, he noticed her phone lying on the bedside table. Curiosity getting the better of him, Aahan picked up the phone and saw that it was locked with a fingerprint password. He couldn't resist the temptation and moved towards the girl, taking her small hand in his large one and unlocking the phone.


He sat on the couch and poured himself a glass of alcohol, taking a sip as he scrolled through her phone. And save his number on her phone and save her number on his phone.


As he continued browsing through her phone, he noticed two contact numbers saved as 'Witch' and 'Witch's Daughter'. Aahan couldn't help but chuckle at her choice of names. He wondered what kind of person this girl was


After a while, Aahan got up and went back to the bed. He gently makes the girl wear his white shirt, which was the only piece of clothing he had with him. He then lay her back down and started giving her a massage, hoping to ease any pain she might be feeling from their previous night's activities.


After about 20 minutes, he stopped and looked at her face. She seemed more relaxed now, and Aahan couldn't resist the urge to kiss her forehead before getting up from the bed.


Aahan stood frozen as the doorbell rang, , he opened the door to find his pa holding a bag of his clothes. However, the initial shock on his pa's face quickly turned to disbelief as he took in Aahan's shirtless form adorned with visible hickeys and his back cover with Nail marks.


Aahan's heart sank as he followed his pa gaze towards the bed, where a girl lay sleeping, wearing nothing but Aahan's oversized shirt. Their eyes met, realization dawning on both of them simultaneously. A sense of panic washed over Aahan as he saw his pa discreetly recording the scene on his phone.


In a moment of startled embarrassment, his pa dropped the bag and fled, leaving Aahan to face the impending storm. As the door closed behind his pa, Aahan knew the consequences of this awkward encounter: a whirlwind of questions, explanations, and perhaps even a lecture on responsibility.


With a heavy sigh, Aahan prepared himself for the impending storm of family drama that was about to unfold due to this unexpected morning revelation.


As the water pounded against his skin, he couldn't help but gaze at himself in the mirror, his reflection a stark reminder of the passionate frenzy that had consumed him and his lover.


His body was littered with hickeys, like marks of possession scattered across his chest and neck. Turning his back to the mirror, he winced as he saw the angry red nail marks etched into his skin, a physical testament to their unrestrained desire.

 Turning his back to the mirror, he winced as he saw the angry red nail marks etched into his skin, a physical testament to their unrestrained desire

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After reluctantly tearing his gaze away from the mirror, Aahan dried himself off and dressed in his crisp office attire. Quietly, he slipped back into the room, where she lay sleeping peacefully on the bad. His heart swelled with tenderness as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, not wanting to disturb her slumber.


his phone buzzed with a message from his father, informing him of an urgent shareholders meeting that required his presence. With a heavy heart, Aahan knew he had no choice but to leave. The meeting was scheduled to commence at 11, and the clock already showed 10:30.


Feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of abandoning her in their shared moment of intimacy, Aahan quickly scribbled a note explaining his sudden departure. He assured her that he had settled the hotel bill and left some money for her breakfast. Placing a stack of ten thousand rupees next to the letter, he leaned down once more and pressed a final kiss to her forehead, almost unwilling to part from the woman who had captivated his heart.


Regret weighing heavily on his shoulders, Aahan left the room with a mixture of longing and duty tugging at his heart.

To be continued........

It's my imagination so don't take it seriously 
Note - English is not my first language so plzz ignore my grammatical mistakes or any mistakes I have done in this chapter, I'm really sorry

By Author 💗

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