chapter 12

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1080+ words
I will post the next chapter tomorrow night or day after tomorrow

By Author 💗

Aahan returned home after a long day. As he opened the door, the only sound that greeted him was the muffled voices coming from the TV in the living room. Curious, he tiptoed in and found Aarya and his siblings fast asleep on the couches, bathed in the dim light of the television.

Nadine's head rested comfortably on Aarya's lap, while Maya, her head settled on Aarya's shoulder. Nevan, lay peacefully on the adjacent couch. Aahan couldn't help but smile at the sight of them, the bond between the siblings warming his heart.

Deciding to let them sleep, Aahan quietly stepped into another room to fetch a blanket. Carefully draping it over each of them, he ensured they were cozy and warm before heading to freshen up.

Aahan had just freshened up and was craving a warm cup of coffee. As he entered the kitchen, he was greeted by the pleasant aroma of milk tea being brewed. To his surprise, Aahan's heart skipped a beat at the sight, a sudden desire stirring within him. it was Aarya standing there, still in her saree, her bare waist teasingly visible.

Aahan couldn't help but feel a sudden urge to touch that exposed skin, but he quickly pushed the impulsive thought aside, knowing well the consequences of such a daring move - Aarya's fiery temper was legendary

Leaning against the kitchen door frame, Aahan watched Aarya with a mix of admiration and restraint. Time seemed to stand still as he observed her, lost in his own silent reverie.

After what felt like an eternity, Aarya turned, her eyes widening in surprise as she caught sight of Aahan leaning against the door. She composed herself quickly, a faint blush tinting her cheeks as she asked, "When did you come back?"

Aahan cleared his throat, trying to ignore the sudden rush of emotions swirling inside him. "A while ago, while you were still asleep," he replied, his voice slightly hoarse.

Aarya nodded, her eyes glancing at him before returning to the tea she was preparing. "Do you want tea?" she asked, her voice soft and welcoming.

Aahan nodded silently, moving to stand beside her as she poured the tea into two cups. The warmth of the tea filled the air, mingling with the unspoken tension between them. Aarya passed a cup to Aahan, their fingers brushing briefly, sending a jolt of electricity through him.

As she turned to walk away, Aahan found himself stepping closer, his hand reaching out almost involuntarily towards her bare waist. But just as he was about to touch her, he stopped himself, the fear of crossing a boundary bringing him to his senses. Aarya paused for a moment, as if sensing his internal struggle, before continuing on her way.

Aahan followed her silently, the weight of his unspoken desires hanging heavy in the air between them.


Aarya found herself on the balcony with a cozy bed and an empty bookshelf. Despite the lack of books, she felt a sense of peace there. It soon became her favorite spot in the apartment, where she enjoyed the view and the comfort of the bed.

Aarya settled on her bed, picking up the book she had left earlier. The title, "Twisted Love," intrigued her. Sipping on her milk tea, she delved into the pages. Suddenly, Aahan joined her, placing his laptop on his lap. Engrossed in work, he too drank his tea.

Aarya was surprised by his unexpected presence but remained silent, returning to her book. The room was filled with the quiet hum of their activities, each lost in their own world yet somehow connected by the peaceful atmosphere

After some time

Aahan sat on the edge of the bed, his eyelids heavy with the promises of sleep. He glanced over his laptop at Aarya, engrossed in her novel, her delicate fingers flipping the pages with a gentle rustle. A familiar comfort washed over him, knowing that sleep would only come when he was cradled in the warmth of her embrace.

With a silent determination, Aahan closed his laptop, setting it aside where a magazine lay forgotten. He stretched out on the bed, positioning his head on the cushion resting on Aarya's lap. Aarya's eyes widened in surprise, her book momentarily forgotten as she peered down at him.

"How was your day?" Aahan murmured, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

Aarya's voice wavered slightly, betraying her nerves. "It was... good," she replied, her gaze flitting away momentarily before returning to meet his.

Realizing the awkwardness of their position, Aarya quickly redirected the conversation. "Well, tomorrow is Monday. What's your plan for tomorrow?"

"I'm a fashion designer, and the workload is increasing," Aarya explained, her words flowing more confidently now that the focus had shifted.

A sense of satisfaction washed over Aahan, relieved that he had successfully diverted Aarya's attention. "What time will you be back from work?" he inquired, curious about her daily routine.

"Probably around 4 in the evening," Aarya responded, her hand absently finding its way into Aahan's hair, the gentle motion soothing them both.

"Do you go to the gym?" Aahan asked, seizing the opportunity to continue their conversation.

Aarya nodded. "Yes, I do. There's a gym on the 20th floor of our building. You can use it too. I'll give you an extra key so you can access it without any trouble," he suggested, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Aarya agreed with a shy smile, her fingers still entwined in Aahan's hair as she resumed reading her novel. "After work would be the best time for me. I can't skip my beauty sleep," she added, a playful glint in her eyes.

Aahan chuckled softly, burying his face against her warm stomach.
Aarya watched as Aahan buried his face in her warm stomach, closing his sleepy eyes. She was taken aback by his unexpected gesture, Feeling shocked but unable to move him due to his size, she decided to distract herself by opening her book. However, her fingers began absently playing with his hair.


To be continued.........


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It's my imagination so don't take it seriously
Note - English is not my first language so plzz ignore my grammatical mistakes or any mistakes I have made in this chapter, I'm really sorry

By Author 💗

Target vote - 45

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