Chapter 11

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Plzzzz read the important note which is given at the end of this chapter..

+1990 words

It was a cozy night, and the living room was bathed in the soft glow of the television screen. Aahan and Aarya were nestled on the plush couch, eagerly watching a movie that had caught their attention. The sound of laughter and suspense filled the room as they indulged in the unfolding plot.

As the flickering light from the TV screen painted shadows across the cozy living room, . A sense of nostalgia crept over Aahan, and he glanced at Aarya with a contemplative look in his eyes.

"Tommorow, my brother and sisters are coming to meet you," Aahan announced, breaking the silence that enveloped them.

Aarya turned to him, a hint of curiosity in her deep, attentive gaze. "To meet me? But why?"she inquired, a note of genuine confusion in her voice.

Aahan's lips curved into a warm smile. "Well, they want to know you," he answered, his tone filled with sincerity.

Aarya pondered for a moment before nodding in acceptance. "Okay," he responded, a subtle smile tugging at the corners of his mouth


After some time

Aarya, feeling drowsy, rested her head on Aahan's shoulder, her eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment.

As Aarya drifted off to sleep, Aahan gazed down at her, his heart filled with a warmth he couldn't quite explain. He thought about lifting her gently in his arms and carrying her to her room, but the desire to continue cuddling with her was strong. However, he also wanted to make sure Aarya was comfortable.

An idea struck Aahan. He carefully shifted Aarya, laying her down on the spacious couch, ensuring she was snug and undisturbed. The couch was wide enough for both of them to sleep comfortably side by side. Aahan lay down next to Aarya, his arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her close to his chest. Aaryra snuggled into the warmth of Aahan's embrace, a contented smile playing on her lips.

With a gentle touch, Aahan covered them both with a soft blanket, feeling the quiet intimacy of the moment enveloping them in a comforting embrace. As they lay there, the only sound was their steady breaths,Aarya's soft scent filled Aahan's senses, making him feel a sense of completeness he hadn't experienced before.

Aahan and Aarya slept soundly on the couch, their bodies entwined in a gentle embrace.


Aarya jolted awake, her heart racing from a nightmare that had gripped her. As she opened her eyes, confusion washed over her. She found herself nestled in Aahan's warm embrace on the cozy couch

The TV screen in front of them flickered softly, remnants of the movie they had been watching before sleep crept in. Aarya looked at Aahan, his peaceful expression calming her anxious mind. She gently touched his cheek, feeling the stubble beneath her fingertips. A soft smile touched her lips as she leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to his cheek.

The dim light in the room highlighted his features, casting a serene glow. Aarya felt a surge of contentment as she snuggled closer to his chest, seeking solace in his warmth. With a sigh, she closed her eyes, the weight of the nightmare lifting as she drifted back into sleep, safe in Aahan's comforting presence.


Aarya woke up on the couch, the soft morning light streaming through the curtains. As she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she realized she was alone. An empty feeling crept into her heart as she sat up, looking around the quiet room. A sense of loneliness settled over her, but she shook it off, deciding that Aahan, was probably at the gym

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