chapter 5

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By Author 💗

1120+ words

On the day of Priya and Roshan's wedding, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and festivity. But amidst the joyous celebrations, there was a storm brewing in Aarya's heart. Locked in her room by her cruel stepmother, Aarya felt like a prisoner in her own home. Desperate to clear her name, she dialed Rohan, hoping he would believe her side of the story.

"Rohan, please listen to me. It was Priya who drugged me, not the other way around," Aarya pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.


But Rohan's voice was cold and unforgiving over the phone. A heated argument ensued, with Rohan refusing to believe Aarya's words. Heartbroken and betrayed, Aarya sobbed in her room, feeling utterly alone in her fight for truth.


Amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope appeared unexpectedly in the form of Aahan, the unexpected ally. Surprised by his unwavering support, Aarya's spirits lifted slightly.


As the house remained empty, everyone engrossed in the wedding celebrations, Aarya stealthily escaped her confinement. Dressed and ready, she made her way down using a rope and headed towards her bike, seeking solace in a long drive to clear her thoughts.


The city lights blurred past her as Aarya rode aimlessly, the music in her ears providing a soothing backdrop to her swirling emotions. Lost in her thoughts, her phone suddenly rang, interrupting the solitude of the night.


"Where are you?" Aahan's voice cut through the darkness.


"On a long drive," Aarya replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion.


"Current location?" Aahan inquired urgently.


"Xxxxx road," Aarya responded, the quiet determination evident in her tone.


"I'm coming. Wait there," Aahan's words were filled with promise and support as he hung up the call.


Aahan pov......

"You're fired," Aahan's voice echoed in the corner office, as his employee, with a look of disbelief, tried to reason, "But sir..."


"I SAID YOU'RE FIRED. Now, leave from here," Aahan's tone brooked no argument as he flung a file to the ground. Tears welled up in the employee's eyes as he scurried out of the office, crestfallen.


Five minutes later, Aahan's personal assistant timidly knocked on the door and entered his office. "Sir," the PA started cautiously.


"I'm not in the mood to talk," Aahan snapped, his frustration evident.


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