chapter 10

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1920+  words


As Aahan glanced out onto his balcony from his living room, he spied Aarya standing there, her shoulders slumped, her silhouette appearing smaller than usual. Something about the way she was standing made his heart ache, a pang of empathy shooting through him like lightning.

Without a second thought, Aahan made his way outside, the chilly evening air hitting him as he approached Aarya. Her face was turned away, tears silently streaming down her cheeks. Aahan hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say or do, but his instincts took over as he gently reached out and took the half-empty beer can from her hand, placing it on the small table nearby.

As Aarya turned to face him, her eyes filled with unshed tears, Aahan felt a surge of emotion he had never experienced before. Without a word, he enveloped her in a warm, comforting hug, feeling her body tremble against his. Aarya's sobs grew louder, her pain palpable in the night air.

They stood there in silence, the only sound of the soft rustling of the leaves in the breeze and Aarya's muffled cries. Aahan could feel her head resting against his chest, her hands gripping the back of his shirt as if holding on for dear life. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the world fading away around them.

Aahan stood on the balcony with Aarya in his arms, the moon casting a soft glow around them. She cried, her tears soaking his shirt, her heartache palpable. Slowly, he lifted her up in his arms, cradling her like a fragile flower. Aarya buried her face into the curve of his neck, her sobs muffled against his skin.

With a tenderness that only he possessed, Aahan carried her into the living room, settling onto the plush couch. He gently placed her on his lap, his strong arms wrapping around her trembling form. Aarya clung onto him, seeking solace in his comforting embrace.

As they sat there in the dim light, Aahan softly whispered words of comfort, his voice a soothing balm to her broken spirit her hands clutching his torso as if holding onto a lifeline. Aahan tenderly ran his fingers through her hair, comforting her with soothing gestures.

Gradually, Aarya's sobs subsided, replaced by soft snores as she drifted off to sleep in his arms. Aahan contemplated moving her to her room, but a sudden realization struck him – the emotional turmoil she had experienced may have given her a headache. Deciding to let her rest undisturbed, he allowed her to sleep peacefully on his lap, her head nestled against his chest.

Meanwhile, King,  sensed the somber atmosphere and disappeared momentarily, returning with a cozy blanket in his mouth. Understanding his gesture, Aahan accepted the blanket, spreading it over both Aarya and himself, creating a cocoon of warmth and comfort.

And aahan ended up sleeping while king set beside aahan and he also slept.


Aarya stirred as the rays of the morning sun through the balcony kissed her cheeks. the intrusion of sunlight on her face pulling her from the depths of a dream.. Blinking her eyes open, she found herself in a room that felt different from what she remembered. Then it hit her – she was now living with Aahan.

As she slowly became aware of her surroundings, she realized she was seated on Aahan's lap. her upper body enveloped in his embrace, her arms wrapping around him, and her head resting gently on his chest on the couch. King snuggled close by, oblivious to the waking world.

Feeling the need to move, Aarya tried to shift, but Aahan’s hold on her waist was firm. She looked up to find Aahan lazily opening his eyes, his gaze meeting hers with warmth and affection.

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