Chapter 4

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Jungkook Pov :

Huh , it's been two days since we shifted here in Seong Dong II . This is a small house only one floor . with four small bedrooms and a small kitchen with a small TV lounge and a small opening garden .  I really hate this place . It's so small and cheap probably not my standard. But circumstances turned so worst that we have no other choice to stay . My company JuJo Enterprises and Co. and dads company Jeon Industries is suffering from a huge down fall . Both of the companies have many branches across the world and hundreds of collaborators.  But I don't know what the fuck happened that all our companies went bankrupt from just some small fucking footages of mine. Arrrggghhh fuck let me just find that asshole and I will kill him who did this . Our every company branch qas taken down and employees resigned . I am so fucked up and messed that I don't know. During to the bankruptcy we are highly in debt with many businessmens and slowly all our savings are fading .

I sighed as I turned around to see my beautiful Joy sleeping . Dried tears on her face e as I wiped them as I gently stroked her face . These three days she cried alot . She was fired from her acting company as well all hee contracts were canceled. Her dream was all shattered and i have noticed she was even not eating properly . I am  ery worried . My father is also not in a good condition though and I don't know what's gonna happen soon . But i have a weird feeling something really bad is gonna happen .

Arrgghhh God for what sin you are punishing us .

I sighed as I glanced at the time it was 7 in morning . But I heard some noises suddenly from outside . I got up and wore my shirt as i went out of my room to see a horrible scene .

Three men in black their faces covered with masks holding gun at jisoo nonna. My dad mom and hyung with hands up . As they saw me they shouted .

Men 1 : listen here men . Don't dare pull any stunt or thus lady's head will be blown .

I clenched my jaw as I stood firm .

Jungkook: what the fuck is this who are you people. 

Men 2 : give us whatever you have . Hurry up . Or I will shoot you people .

Jungkook gulped as he looked at his father .

Jaehyun : please leave us . We will give you everything but don't shoot .

The men left jisoo as namjoon hyung quickly hugged her but another men entered with Jeff on gun point .

Men 4 : hurry up go collect everything from them . These rich ass people deserve nothing .

He spoke as he held the gun tightly on Jeff's head . The men's started to search house . They took our money and left credit cards . If he wouldn't have held gun on us I would have fucking killed them. Later I heard joy scream as I turned around I saw her clutching Hari tightly as the two men came out holding her along with Amy and insu .

Jungkook: you fucker leave her .

The men pushed her but I was quick enough to hold her . She clutched me tightly as Amy and insu also run to us .

Men 4 : have a poor life jeons .

He smirked beneath his mask as he shoot in air three times on which kidd screamed and quickly they both left .

I hugged joy and my kids tightly. 

Jaehyun: we have nothing now .

Namjoon hyung quickly dialed police but what will they even do now .

Jungkook: fuckers . Huh why tye fuck you people even decided to come here . That's why I hate this place .

I shouted at my dad and brother .

Jaehyun : lower your voice Jungkook.  The damage was all your and your wife. So shut the fuck up .

He spoke as he went out.

Time Skip At night :

We all were having dinner when the door opened and dad came inside. He was looking angry .

Jaehyun : we have to run .

Namjoon : what

He spoke with confusion . Police is finding us to arrest us for some old drugs and smuggling case .

Jungkook : fuck .

I then remembered what cases were those.

Jungkook: but those were taken down . How the fuck it again came up. I was sure i even have burned those files  . Fuck fuck fuck

I banged the table as joy tried to calm me .

Namjoon : I think someone can help me .

Jaehyun : who .

Namjoon : Kang Hwan . He yesterday proposed me for help . He was nice person back then and was a collaborator in our company.  Everyone has backed away from us except him . And he is willing to help us . Even dad he was your friend to in your college .

He spoke as I raised a brow.

Jungkook: huh . Really what he only uses us .

Jaehyun: huh kang oh really that guy is really nuce .let's meet them . We have to leave quickly or the consequences will be bad.

Jungkook sighed rolling his eyes.

Namjoon dialed a number as he went outside . After 15 minutes he came with a happy face .

Namjoon : his son will be here . He suggested we should come to America to him . It will save us from the police to .

I rolled my eys as I got up

Jungkook: I don't agree

Jaehyun : then stay here and go to jail .

I clenched my teeth as I stormed outside to catch some fresh air . I was walking as I came near a park .

I was sitting when I saw some police men strolling around.  I hid behind a tree . A police men stopped a random guy and showed him something and asked him something on which I turned around to run quickly home.

Policemen : have seen these peoplehere around . They are famous as Jeons .


To be continued..

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