Chapter 49

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Yn : ..... I love you

Yn spoke as taehyung eyes widened.  He wasn't able to believe what he just heard. 

Taehyung: w-what

His voice was a whisper but enough for her to hear . Yn smiled at him widely as she pressed her lips on his . After a sweet kiss she pulled back and spoke

Yn : I love you so so much taehyung.  I can't describe how much I love you . I know I realized my feelings late but I love you .

She spoke with sincerity.  Taehyung smiled his eyes teary .

Taehyung: oh my god . Say it again printed

Yn : I love you .

Taehyung: again

Taehyung spoke giving his big boxy smile as he cupped her cheeks bringing hee face near to his .

Yn : i love you

Taehyung: oh my god oh my god . I can't belived.  I love you to so so much princess

He spoke as he smashed his lips on her savoring her in a passionate kiss.
They both kissed each other passionately savoring each other as they were starving from past 3 months .

Soon the kiss turned hungry as taehyung grabbed her waist and yn snaked her hands around his neck pulling him close.

Taehyung bit her lower lip as she moaned and taehyung devoured her mouth dominantly. 

After some minutes they both pulled away gasping for air . Both of them panting heavily. 

Taehyung: oh god princess you don't know how much I love you . Today was my best day.  Oh God I love you .

He spoke as he pecked her lips one more time and yn smiled at him shyly in her flushed state .

Yn : I love you to .

Yn spoke as she held his hand and guided him towards the mat as they both sat on the mat .

Taehyung sat and made her lay her head on his chest as he played with her hairs .

Taehyung: I am so much happy princess. 

Yn : me too .

Taehyung: I was so depressed these three months.  I thought you don't like me . And inwill never be able to win your heart . But you made my heart at peace today . Oh God princess you don't know how much happy I am today .

Yn smiled at him as she turned to face him. 

Yn : I am sorry tae.  I was a coward to realize my feelings to late . I was just afraid . I was afraid because whenever I expecting love from anyone I ended up being hurt.  I-i was afraid from my childhood I didn't get love. I was afraid that if you also end up hur-

She didn't complete her sentence as taehyung smashed his lips on her telling her that how much he loves her . How much that he will never hurt her but he will destroy the whole world for her .

He poured all his emotions, his pain , his longings and his love in the kiss.  They broke the kiss when it was to much for them . He trailed wet kisses from her jaw till her neck on which she shivered. 

He buried his face in the crook of her neck as she tilted her head giving him more access.  He placed wet kisses their and then he found her sweet spot as he bit her their earning a soft moan from her . He sucked on the same spot .

He parted away as he rubbed his thumb on the spot where he sucked yn eyes were half closed , he admired her face . She was breathing heavily her mouth was parted a little as she was still in bliss .

Taehyung: would you like to go to my apartment.

Taehyung whispered near her ear on which she opened her eyes and stared at his intense gaze .

Yn : I would love to .

She spoke on which Taehyung smiled . As they both stood up and went to his car . Yn sat beside him as he drove the car . He intertwined their fingers and placed a kiss on the back of her hand as he drove to his penthouse .

They both reached their and taehyung quickly came out and opened the door and held her out guiding her to the entrance helding her hand. 

Yn admired the tall building as they both went in the elevator and taehyung pressed floor 45  and yn gasped .

Yn : oh my god it has to much floors .

Taehyung chuckled as kissed her temple .

Taehyung: it's total 45 floors and 45 floor is my penthouse. 

Yn : but you live in the mansion to then why a penthouses

Yn frowned, confused

Taehyung: beacuse princess I mainly live alone but I use to go their twice a week to spend time with my family and secondly I stayed this time long as you were their and I dont want to leave to alone .

Yn heart swelled with more love for him as she pecked his lips and they reached their floor. 

Taehyung guided her to his penthouse as yn awed looking at the luxurious and so much big penthouse.

He gave the whole tour of his penthouse and then they both sat in the lounge.

Yn : it's so beautiful tae .

Taehyung: I am glad you liked it .

Yn smiled

Taehyung: do you want to eat something

Yn shook her head .

Yn : do you .

Taehyung also shook his head

Taehyung: stay the night here

Yn smiled and nodded as taehyung took her upstairs to his room . Taehyung gave her his t-shirt amd sweatpants to wear .

Taehyung : umm you can change into these I will be back .

Yn took and changed her dress the sweatpants were very big for her so she skipped them and wore the t shirt which was big enough for her .

She came out and hanged her dress and texted Eva to take care of Hari as she will not come for night.

Soon the door opened and taehyung entered but his breath hitched seeing her in his shirt and her legs on display in it . He gulped amd took steps towards her .

His intense gaze made her all red but she started to feel insecure of her body as his gaze went down to her legs .


To be continued

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