Chapter 47

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3 months later :

Kim Taehyung dressed in a black tux entered the old warehouse and went to the basement followed by his guards .

The guard opened the door as taehyung went inside and smirked at the two person caged in chains.  Their conditions were worst. 

On the day when taehyung rescued yn he was able to caught Jaehyun and Choi Mark where as James Delo got killed by Christian at the frontline.

From that day he caged the two in his old abandoned warehouse where he use to interrogate his enemies.

From that day he use to come their occasionally and use to torture the hell out of both men .

They both were having new beating before taehyungs arrival and were all bloody.

Jaehyun: why you just don't kill us

He spat at him on which Taehyungs expression darkened he took out his gun and a lighter as he lit the lighter and bring it near the barrel and heated up the muzzle. 

He went near Jaehyun as he placed the hot metal on his temple earning screams from him and taehyung smirked

Taehyung: what do you think I will let you die so easily after what you did with my ma , my brother and my princess.  I will torture you so much that you cannot even image .

He them turned to Choi and placed the hot metal on his forehead earning screams

Taehyung: I will make sure that no part of your body remains intact you bastard .

Taehyung then went to the other side of the room and sat on the big chair and motioned his one guard .

The guard went out and after seconds he came with pot of boiling hot water. 

Jaehyun and Choi then were tied with chains to the ceiling . And there bodies were then dipped in the boiling hot water as they both painfully screamed and taehyung watched them his heart feeling peace .

At Parkers Mansion

Eva went inside her younger sisters room who was sitting on the couch lost in her thoughts.  She sighed seeing her .

After the incident yn was in shock and her PTSD and phobia also started to disturb.  Taehyung put his all efforts to help her but she denied that she wanted some time alone to live to clear her mind .

Eva went to her sister and sat beside her on which yn came out of her trance

Eva : Hari slept she's in Chris's room .

Yn nodded .

Eva : how much more long you want to isolate yourself.  I love that you are here living with us but don't isolate you should now meet with your brothers and special taehyung.  He loves you alot . Please don't deny your feelings atleast.  Everything is over now . Please now just focus on your life and the ones who love you

Eva spoke and as yn replied nothing.  She sighed standing up. 

Eva : I have put you dress on the bed for tonight's ball . Taehyung sent it . Be ready at 6 .

Eva spoke and left as yn sat their and some tears left her eyes .

She was so much confused with her life . Her mind was clogged with different thoughts she stood up and wiped her tears finalizing her decision as she picked her mobile and dialed a number .

Yn : hello Jun I need your help .

At Night ;

Yn came out of her closet all ready in hee dress with light makeup and her hair tied in a messy bun .

She stood infront of the long vanity mirror admiring taehyungs dress choice .

She came downstairs and saw her parents Albert Parker and Yoona Parker ready along with Chris . Sara was not going as she was pregnant in her 8th month and Hari and her kids were going to stay with her .

Chris : here comes our little princess

He spoke as he kissed yns forehead.

Yoona : you arr looking so beautiful dear

Yoona spoke on which yn smiled

Chris : gosh this crackhead takes to much time.

Chris spike glancing at the time waiting for Eva

And 5 minutes later Eva came down .

Chris : pig always late

Chris spoke annoyed on which Eva whined and smacked his arm

Eva : you are a pig .

She glared

Albert: ok ok kids let's go

He spoke as everyone made their way outside to the cars. 

Eva: you are looking so beautiful yn .

Yn : you to.

Theu drove of to the banquet.  It was the annual Mafia ball where Mafia leaders from world wide participate .

They reached the venue and made their way inside.  The hall was full with different men and women having dangerous auras.  Yn heart panicked a little but Eva held her hand assuringly. 

Yn : this is beautiful.

Eva : yeah it is.

A waiter served them drinks as Albert and Chris started to meet the guests yn was standing alongside them when Eva nudged her shoulder and pointed to her right .

Yn turned her head to see everyone from the Kim Mansion . Her breath hitched when her eyes met with the familiar dark brown orbs walking with all his glory .

Yn along with Parkers tureen to them and grrrted everyone from the family.  They were so happy to see her all healthy  . Yn turned her head and saw that taehyungs dark piercing gaze was only on her . Her heart started to beat so loudly that if their was no noice then everyone would have heard it .

Suddenly music started andsd couple were called to dance on the stage . As yn was about to step away a hand held her waist and dragged her to the dance floor. 

Her breath hitched seeing Kim Taehyung as he pulled her closer by his one hand on her waist and one hand tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

He bought his face near her and whispered his hot breath tickling her neck .

Taehyung: you are looking ravishing mi amore

Yn blushed as she gripped his arms tightly and her one hand resting on his chest on top of his heart .


To be continued.....

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