Chapter 19

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Author Pov :

Taehyung was totally surprised when yn hugged him suddenly but later he felt her sobbing in his chest . He gently wrapped his arms around her and spoke

Taehyung: princess . Why are you crying

Yn : i-i am a burden for you.  I disturb you so much . My pathetic attacks always disturb me . It makes you worried . I dint want this . I what to live a normal life .

Taehyung broke the hug as he cupped her cheeks .

Taehyung: you are not a burden . Nor your attacks make me feel any different for you.  I waited for you for years yn . And I will be always there for you . You never have to be afraid of anything . You have me . No one can hurt you . No one will be able to even say anything to you .

Yn : but I am so weak and I can't even stand in many people

Taehyung: you are not weak . You are very strong . The most strongest women I have seen in my life after my mom and isu ma us you. 
So.dont say you are weak you are not.  And I belive in you you will heal quickly and all your fears will fade away .

Yn : will it happen

Taehyung: yes definitely.  I have asked rose noona to give you therapy sessions. She is a physiologist. This will make you feel very better.

Yn smiled at him and nodded . Taehyung leaned forward and kissed her forehead as a hue of pink covered her cheeks.  Taehyung noticed it and chuckled internally

Taehyung: well how do you know suho .

Yn : when I was CEO of Jeon Fashion Designs Comapny . Your dad came to collaborate with us . And he liked my skills and agreed for the collaboration.  Next day suho came with the project and them we got to know each other . But I didn't know that he was your brother and even Jennie didn't told me about you .

She pouted sadly

Taehyung: well they are my step siblings .

Yn eyes widened

Yn : what .

Taehyung : yes my mother name was Jiah . She had lung cancer so she died when I was only 6 months old . When I was three years old dad married my mothers sister Hana and she gave birth to suho and after that to Jennie.

Yn : I feel sorry for you mom . You must miss her

Taehyung smiled painfully

Taehyung: well not much because I didn't saw her when mom died I spent my childhood with isu ma , your mom . She loved me alot like her own son and I was very attached to her .

Yn eyed turned glossy

Yn : how was my mother ?

Taehyung: she was the most beautiful and purest soul I have met . She was so sweet and caring . She loved children alot but she was not able to give birth. So she got herself attached with me . Later when I was 6 years old she adopted you and hoseok hyung . When she saw you and bought you home she was very happy so happy that she use to cry every night in worry what if something happened to you . She always use to tell me and hoseok hyung to take care of you but we failed .

Taehyung fisted his hands in anger remembering the past . Tears were flowing from you eyes as you rubbed your eyes .

Yn : h-how that accident occurred

Yn spoke with a heavy throat as taehyung closed his eyes .

Taehyung: isu ma and her mother in law were taking you to hospital as you was suffering from a high fever . On your way a truck collided with their car . Her mother in law died on the spot but isu ma was taken to hospital . When we reached their we got to know you weren't in the car when they bought both of them.  Some old men who was witness of the scene told that their was another lady in the car who was also injured but she took you out and left in a cab . We tried to find you alot but we weren't able to find you , even you were so close to us

He whispered the last part . Yn took a sharp breath and calmed herself.

Taehyung saw her state and recognized that you can't take anymore

Taehyung: you should rest we will talk later I will als the maids to send food for you

Taehyung spoke and left as yn started to cry thinking about her mother and past events.

Taehyung came downstairs and saw namjoon talking with others

Kim Do yoon : taehyung what's the next goal of yours . What you have planned

Taehyung smirked at them as he tucked his hands in his pockets .

Taehyung: next mission is accomplished don't worry . You all will.know soon.

Namjoon stood up

Namjoon : I think I should leave now or they will suspect me

They all nodded

Jeon Cha : take care of yourself dear . Don't make them fool you

Namjoon nodded as he bid all of them good bye and came out with taehyung

Taehyung : hyung . Try to get the files

Namjoon nodded as a cab arrived and he left . Taehyung also sat in his car and left for the warehouse as he have to handle some other missions to .

Meanwhile In Korea

Hoseok just landed in Busan Korea and Know came to pick him up from the airport .

Lee Know : welcome . Mr.Jung .

Hoseok : thank you Mr.Lee

They both sat in the car rode of .

Lee know : where Sir .

Hoseok: Busan Police Station

Hoseok spoke while he dialed a number on his phone and spoke .

Hoseok : get the files ready I am on my to the place .


To be continued......

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