Chapter 37

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Woojin : hey jungkook long time no see

Jungkook faked a smile as he shook his hands with him

Jungkook: hello woojin.  How are you

Woojin : I am good bro. You changed alot

James : you know him woojin

Woojin : yes Mr.Delo . He was my classmate in university

They all nodded as James spoke

James : so you both tell the information you have about Kim's and what the plan

Sam : We will kidnap Kim Do yoon and Jung Beomseok.  It's not a big problems they both go for a walk outside the mansion in morning at 6.  About the guards don't worry it will ne taken care .

Woojin : also Kim Taehyung is very shared eye he will never anyone harm his loved ones . But he can only be tamed if we kidnap his only weakness

Jaehyun : and what's that .

Sam : it's a girl.  Who he lived for years . And waited for years for her. And magically he found her ..she is his weakness and we will put her on bait and luckily she is beomseoks daughter task even more easy

Jaehyun frowned at the word beomsoek daughter

Jaehyun: what do you mean his daughter

Woojin : yes jung beomsoeks daughter whom your son married a long time ago is Kim Taehyung love . JUNG YN isnt dead she is alive

Woojing spoke eyeing Jungkook
Jungkook eyes widened he felt difficultly in breathing. He can't belive what he just heard.  Yn is alive

Jungkook: she died in a car accident 3 years ago how's it possible

Jungkook spoke with difficultly his eyes turning teary which he rubbed as not to cry

Woojin : she didn't die in the accident as she was rescued.  But whom rescued were very famous mafia smugglers.  They smuggled her to Australia along with some other girls and sold them to a brothel . There she lived 3 years and after that she was brought to Korea to be sold in a auction . Where kin taehyung purchased her giving a hefty amount

Jungkook was still shocked. He can't believe what he just heard.this was so unreal .

Jaehyun and Choi Mark talked every detail and after finalizing the plan . They went back to the apartments with a Jungkook still jungshooked

Jaehyun sensed his awkward behavior and spoke

Jaehyun: what happened son.  You are acting strange

Jungkook gulped but quickly made a angry face not wanting to make him suspicious

Jungkook: I can't belive that bitch is still alive . Why she didn't died.  Argh she should be dead and rotting in hell

Jaehyun smirked

Jaehyun: don't worry soon she will to die. Just like her mother

He spoke and left

Jungkook ( in mind ) : fucker you will die before that . Bastard . I am sorry yn for cursing but this bastard would have been suspicious.  Don't worry . This bastrd will not reach you I will make sure of that .
Argh Jungkook it's all to complicated now . Yn is alive and taehyung hyung loves her . Means the girl he use to talk about was yn . Oh God he will never forgive me for hurting her . Argh Jungkook damn you. Why was I even born.

Jungkook went to his room and found his room empty .

Jungkook: that bitch must be whoring around .

He took a shower and after that he called namjoon and told him everything.  He was shocked that namjoon had already met yn . But what shocked him more was that his grandpa and grandma were alive to.  He went to his kids room and found insu and Hari already sleeping . He sighed

Jungkook( in mind ): i loved these children so much thinking I am their dad but I was not.  Fate is so unpredictable

Meanwhile at a Club

Joy reached a club dressed in a very slutty dress.  Her cleavage on show .even her chest was so visible from that dress . Her legs ok full display . As the dress only reached her butt .

She entered their as many eyes her hungrily and she smikred at them.  But she made her way to the VIP with attitude. 

She entered inside and saw many men sitting on the couches with girls on their laps making out , grinding and pleasuring the men .

She directly went to the men she came to meet and hugged him making him roll his eyes internally

Joy : ohh baby I missed you .

She spoke as she sat beside him adjusting her dress which made her chest more permanent

??? : oh I missed you to babe

He spoke as Joy pressed a kiss on his cheek and giggled

Joy: ohh woojin you are still handsome as fuck

She spoke tracing her hands on his chest

Woojin : oh I know baby.  My friends are waiting for you let's meet them

Joy nodded happily as he took her hand away from his chest and took her to the backside of the club .

Joy : where are we going baby

Joy spoke making woojin cringe at her extreme sweet voice

He bring her to a secluded basement outside the club . As he emetered the from the door he pushed her in front as she fall on her knees

Joy: what are you doing

Joy shouted at him but found him smirking

Woojin : ohh did I hurt you babe.  Well my slutty whore pleasure the men here and I will think what to do next with you

He spoke smirking at her .


she shouted at him like a maniac .

woojin : do you think I will accept a trash whore like you . I just wanna remind you your place . You fooled that innocent Jungkook by telling him you love him when you never . And then got pregnant saying that they were his kids but they weren't amd they were mine . But let me tell you a secret Park Fucking slutty whore so young those two kids aren't mine . When those times you came to meet me . I always drugged you and you weren't fucked by me but by some random men thinking it's me . Your drunk state never recognized whom you are getting fucked by. So baby enjoy here I never liked you a bit a used you at those college times beacuse I was confused about my sexuality but now I am aware.  I don't like pussy babe I like dick more

He smikred at her and left from their signaling his men to take care of her.  She was shouting but his men grabbed her and took her to the room.  Where their 10 men were present and joy looked tiny infront of them . She shouted for help but nobody helped her as they all used her for pleasuring themselves.


To be continued.....

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Hey my lovely readers.  Three chapters for you toady.  Hope you all are fine.  Enjoy the reading.  Lots of love ❤️.

Also read Forced Marriage with Billionaire
Jk ff .


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